Wednesday, October 16, 2024

【2024's final term is about to begin】 ★ Choreography & Basics of Tunisian Folk Song "Alla Alla Ya Baba (SIDI MANSOUR)" / "TOKYO HAFLA vol.4" will be held! Christmas present is here too ♪

Hello everyone!

I'm Nadia, a Japanese belly dancer living in Singapore.

Here is information about the final term of 2024. NADIA ONLINE & STUDIO has a five-term system, and you can learn up to 5 choreographies a year from NADIA by online or in the studio, or even you can learn through tutorial videos.

This year, we learned GASTON CHAAADE (modern oriental), ARTEM UZNOV (drum solo), Ana fi Intizarak (tarab), and Etaallem (Arab pop). Which one moved you the most? ?

It's also fun to dance to those musics from Argentina, Russia, Egypt, and Lebanon, as if you were traveling between countries. In my case, I feel that the theme of travel is eternal, both in dance and in life.

Now, in the final term starting this week, we will be traveling to Tunisia. I have selected famous song that every belly dancer has heard and danced at least once.

We will dance to "Allah Allah Ya Baba (SIDI Mansour)," a Tunisian folk song that has been sung since the 15th century, which was covered and released by a famous singer in the early 2000s and became a big hit.

Even now, this song is almost always played and danced to at celebratory occasions in Tunisia. 

I hope you will enjoy to learn the choreography this term and choose this song when you dance belly dancing at a celebratory occasion.

The choreography is designed so that even beginners can dance. It seems that it would be great to use zils, so if you have them, please bring them. If you don't have them, don't worry, we will make it possible to dance without them.

We will use zils from WEEK 4 onwards, so if you have them, please polish them and replace the rubber bandm be ready to use them ya! Oh, zils are the finger cymbals that are played by attaching them to the fingertips. 


\ The new term starts on 10/17 (Thu) /

For lesson applications and inquiries, please send us a DM!

Instagram : @nadia_sueoka

coming up the details! 

Date and time: Saturday, December 21st, 12:00 - in Tokyo (Japan)

Once a year, this belly dance festival is held in Tokyo in the winter, organized by NADIA ONLINE! This year, it will be held at noon, and at a very healthy time, a very healthy stage will be delivered by members of NADIA ONLINE, famous for "Only beautiful women are here♪". Of course, Nadia will also be performing!

This year will be the fourth time for this project. I think you will be extremely energized by the soulful dancing of all the members, who have made tremendous progress every time! Please come to the venue and exchange energy live.

In fact, the tickets to the venue are almost sold out, with less than 10 tickets left. It is a popular event that is sold out every year, so if you are interested, please make a reservation as soon as possible.

To reserve tickets, please contact the performing members or Nadia.

Also, you want to support TOKYO HAFLA, but you can't make it on the day. Tears for not being able to watch it in real time...?? Good news for you guys! We will also be selling the always popular TOKYO HAFLA online viewing tickets ($35/each). The beautiful video supervised by Silk Road Cafe has always been well received. The distribution will be valid for one month, so even if you can't watch it in real time, you can enjoy the recording at your leisure at a later date, and as many times as you like. Please be sure to purchase one.

-  N A D I A   O N L I N E   p r e s e n t s  - 

■ DATE : 12/21 (sat)
■ OPEN : 12:00 - 15:00
■ SHOW TIME : 1st 12:30 / 2nd 13:30

■ PERFORMANCE by : HazMomo (Hazuki & Momo), ShiRan (Shira & Ran), YumiMari (Yuumi & Maribelle), NANAs (Naoco & Natsuki), Sahar, Stella, Marina, Asami, Lyla, Kaoru, Ayu, Satomi, NADIA

■ VENUE : Silkroad Cafe Tokyo. Japan
■ TICKET : ¥4000 / ONLINE : ¥3000 ($35)

A Christmas present from 
NADIA ONLINE to everyone!

For October-December 2024,
5th term: All NADIA ONLINE & STUDIO members 

You will receive an complement online ticket to "TOKYO HAFLA vol.4" (worth $35) as a Christmas gift. 

You can't go this year, but next year you'll be on stage! Imagine that and enjoy the show. Please support your friends and favorites from all over the world, not just Tokyo! 

October-December 2024 

\ The new term starts on 10/17 (Thu) /

For lesson applications and inquiries, please DM us!

▶︎ Instagram : @nadia_sueoka
▶︎ Email :

Now. This is also a very popular studio lesson taught by Nadia.

We hold bellydance basics & choreography lessons a day.

The studio is one bus stop away from Orchard Road in Singapore. Although it is in the city, it is held in a beautiful studio with a pool view surrounded by greenery, as if you have stepped into a quiet forest, so we are happy to share beautiful inspiration and belly dance time together.

Children are also welcome to participate.

Two classes every Friday and Saturday from 11:00 a.m.

60 minutes of basics and 60 minutes of choreography.

It is a monthly fee system, and for one term of $380 (8 weeks), you can take as many basic and choreography classes at the studio as you like. Automatically, online lessons (basics, choreography, yoga) are also included as a bonus. 

In other words, you can catch up on choreography online or through videos during the week you cannot come to the studio, so you can rest assured. You will learn the same choreography as online for the assigned songs.

For trial lessons and drop-ins, you can participate in a 60-minute class for $35. If you would like a multi-class pass, we also offer a 10-class pass ($300). There is no registration fee, so please feel free to contact us.

- - - - - - - - - - - -
2024 October-December

Period: START 10/17 (Thu) - Finish 12/16 (Mon)

The choreography and basic content will be the same as online. Studio lessons are twice a week (Fri. Sat.) Online lessons are three times a week (Thurs. Sun. Mon.)

Nadia teaches the same choreography (and basics) repeatedly for a total of 5 days a week. You can attend as many times as you like, anywhere, on any day. However, studio lessons are by reservation only, so reservations will be accepted via group chat. No reservation is required for online lessons. 

During the weeks you are off, videos will be sent to you so that you can learn the choreography thoroughly without any waste.

→ Complete one choreography song in 8 weeks / Includes audio and 8 tutorial videos


■ Studio: $380 (2 months) Unlimited pass
✴︎ What's included → Unlimited lessons for belly dance choreography, basics, yoga, studio lessons, online lessons, choreography videos delivered once a week, etc.

And what's more! There's a Christmas present this term!
We'll give you a free online ticket (worth $35) for TOKYO HAFLA vol.4.

■ Trial/Drop-in: $35 (60 minutes)
■ Ticket: $300 / 10 hours (valid for 3 months)
✴︎ Ticket/Trial/Drop-in does not include online benefits or videos


Nadia is a professional with 20 years of experience, over 500 performances in Singapore and other parts of Asia, and a proven track record of teaching over 1,000 people of all nationalities. She offers bilingual lessons in both Japanese and English. She also has ample experience as a judge in international competitions, so please feel free to ask her anything. We can provide a wide range of instruction for everyone from beginners to professionals, from competition preparation to health management, teacher training, and teaching consulting. Please feel free to contact us.


■ Monthly fee: $150 (1 month) /$250 (2 months) Unlimited lessons
■ Trial/Drop-in: $35 (60 min) / Please pay by the day before
■ Dates: Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Sundays
■ Contents: Belly dance basics, choreography, yoga
■ Items to bring: Yoga mat, water, towel

[STUDIO LESSON Fees & Contents]

■ Monthly fee: $380 (2 months) 
Unlimited lessons (includes audio, online lessons, and video streaming)
■ Trial/Drop-in: $35 (60 min) / Please pay by the day before
■ Multi-session ticket: $300 / 10 hours (valid for 3 months) 
(does not include online lessons or video streaming)

■ Dates: Every Friday & Saturday
BASIC 1100-1200 / CHOREO 1200-1300

■ Content: Belly dance basics and choreography
■ What to bring: Water, towel
■ Clothing: Comfortable clothing, yoga wear, scarf around waist, barefoot
■ Venue: Beautiful oasis-like studio near Orchard

[Application & Inquiry]

■ Just send a simple message to Nadia from SNS such as Gmail, Instagram, WhatsApp, Messenger, etc.!
■ Payment: Bank transfer, PEATIX, PAYNOW accepted
■ How to participate: After applying, you will be invited to the WhatsApp group. You can receive the zoom link, lesson information, audio, video, etc. in the group.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us.
We look forward to seeing you :)


Nadia A. Sueoka
(NOA PRODUCTION : 53398231J) 
Phone SG: +65 9295 6041 

DANCE is the hidden language of the soul. 

【2024年 最終ターム始まるよ!】★ チュニジア民謡「Alla Alla Ya Baba (SIDI MANSOUR)」振付 & 基礎 / 「TOKYO HAFLA vol.4」開催!クリスマスプレゼントも ♪



2024年の最終タームのご案内です。NADIA ONLINE & STUDIOは、5学期制となっており、1年に最大5作品をオンラインやスタジオ、動画などで学べます。

今年は、GASTON CHAAADE (モダンオリエンタル) 、ARTEM UZNOV (ドラムソロ)、Ana fi Intizarak (タラブ)、Etaallem (アラブポップス) を学びました。どれが一番グッときた??

音源も、アルゼンチン 、ロシア、エジプト、レバノンと、各国を渡り歩くように踊るのがまた楽しいですね。私の場合、踊りも人生も、永遠に、旅がテーマになっている気がします。


もとは、15世紀頃から歌われているチュニジアの民謡を、2000年初頭に有名シンガーがカバー、リリースし大ヒットした「Alla Alla Ya Baba (SIDI Mansour)」を踊ります。



\ 新タームは、10/17(Thu)よりスタート /


Instagram : @nadia_sueoka

【NEWS】TOKYO HAFLA vol.4 開催決定。

日時 : 12月21日(土) 12:00 -  in 東京(日本)

年に一度、冬の東京で開催されるNADIA ONLINE企画の、ベリーダンスの祭典!今年はなんとお昼開催となりまして、大変健全な時間に、大変健全なステージを、「美女しかいない♪」で有名なNADIA ONLINE所属メンバーにてお届けいたします。もちろん、ナディアも踊ります!



また、TOKYO HAFLAを応援したいのに、当日どうしても来れな涙。リアルタイムで見れない涙。..... などと嘆いている方々へ朗報!毎度好評いただいています TOKYO HAFLA オンライン鑑賞チケット($35/1枚) も販売致します。シルクロードカフェさん監修の映像が美しいと毎回大好評いただいています。配信は1ヶ月間有効としますので、リアルタイムで見れなくても、後日ゆっくり、それも何度でも♪録画を楽しむことが可能。是非、お買い求めくださいね。

-  N A D I A   O N L I N E   p r e s e n t s  - 

■ DATE : 12/21 (sat)
■ OPEN : 12:00 - 15:00
■ SHOW TIME : 1st 12:30 / 2nd 13:30

■ PERFORMANCE by : HazMomo (Hazuki & Momo), ShiRan (Shira & Ran), YumiMari (Yuumi & Maribelle), NANAs (Naoco & Natsuki), Sahar, Stella, Marina, Asami, Lyla, Kaoru, Ayu, Satomi, NADIA

■ VENUE : Silkroad Cafe Tokyo. Japan
■ TICKET : ¥4000 / ONLINE : ¥3000 ($35)


10月〜12月 第5ターム : NADIA ONLINE & STUDIOメンバーの皆様に、なんと、「TOKYO HAFLA vol.4」オンラインチケット($35相当) をプレゼントいたします!!



\ 新タームは、10/17(Thu)よりスタート /


▶︎ Instagram : @nadia_sueoka
▶︎ Email :


ベリーダンスの基礎 & 振付レッスンを、一日に2本やっています。




お月謝制となり、1ターム $380 (8週間)で、スタジオでの基礎クラス・振付クラスをお好きなだけ受講いただけます。自動的に、オンラインレッスン(基礎・振付・ヨガ)もおまけでつけてあります。(ふとっぱらw)



- - - - - - - - - - - 
2024年 10月〜12月 第5ターム : 「ALLAH ALLAHA YA BABA」
期間 : 10/17(thu) START 〜 12/16(mon) 完了

スタジオレッスンは週2回 (金 土) 
オンラインレッスンは週3回 (木 日 月) 

合計週5で 同じ振付内容(&基礎)を繰り返しナディアが、指導しています。どこでも好きな日に、好きなだけご出席いただけます。ただし、スタジオレッスンは予約制となりますので、グループチャットにて予約を受付して行きます。オンラインレッスンは予約不要。


→ 全8週間で振付1曲完成  / 音源 & 振付動画 8本 付き

■ スタジオ:$380 (2ヶ月) 受講し放題 
✴︎ 含まれるもの→ ベリーダンス振付・基礎・ヨガ、スタジオレッスン・オンラインレッスンの全てを受講し放題・週1で届く振付動画、他

TOKYO HAFLA vol.4 のオンラインチケット($35相当)を、なんと無料プレゼントします。

■ 体験・ドロップイン:$35 (60分) 
■ 回数券 : $300 / 10時間 (有効期限は3ヶ月)
✴︎ 回数券・体験・ドロップインには、オンライン特典や動画は含まれません


近くに習いたい先生がいない... そもそもベリーダンスのお教室がない.. あっても敷居が高くて入門するのが怖いなぁ.. など、そんな理由ではじめるのを諦めていませんか?

「NADIA ONLINE on ZOOM」は、コロナ禍にスタートした人気レッスン。画面ON/OFFは自由、途中参加・退座も自由なので、踊ってる姿を見られるのが恥ずかしい方は画面オフで、逆に画面オンで踊ることで成長を狙いたい方も、ご自身のペースとスタンスでレッスンにご参加頂けます。


また、レッスン代もオンラインならではの低価格を実現。なんと月額 $150 (¥12,500) / 1ヶ月、または、パッケージ $250 (¥20,000) / 2ヶ月で受講いただけます。

ターム制となっており、1ターム 2ヶ月 (8週間) かけて、1曲振付をマスターしていきます!レッスンは週に4日、1日3クラス、月40クラスを好きなだけ受講し放題。基礎クラス・振付クラス・ヨガクラス、どのクラスも予約なしでお好きなだけご参加いただけます。また、レッスンを逃しても、振付が学べる様に、週に一度、解説動画も届きます。




■ お月謝制:¥12,500 / $150 (1ヶ月) / ¥20,000 / $250 (2ヶ月) 受講し放題 
■ 体験・ドロップイン:¥3500 / $35 (60分) / 前日までにお支払いください
■ 開催日:月・水・木・日 開催 
■ 内容:ベリーダンスの基礎・振付・ヨガ
■ ご用意いただくもの:ヨガマット・お水・タオル


■ お月謝制:$380 (2ヶ月) 受講し放題 (音源・オンラインレッスン・動画配信付き) 
■ 体験・ドロップイン:$35 (60分) / 前日までにお支払いください
■ 回数券 : $300 / 10時間 (有効期限は3ヶ月)(オンラインレッスン・動画配信は付きません) 

■ 開催日:毎週金曜 & 土曜 
BASIC 1100-1200 / CHOREO 1200-1300 

■ 内容:ベリーダンスの基礎・振付
■ ご用意いただくもの:お水・タオル
■ 服装 : 動きやすい服装・ヨガウェア可・腰に巻くスカーフ・裸足で踊ります
■ 会場:オーチャード周辺にあるオアシスのような美しいスタジオにて

【お申込み & お問合せ】

■ Gmail・インスタ・WhatsApp・Messenger など、SNSからナディアまで簡単なメッセージを送るだけでOK!
■ お支払い:銀行振込・PEATIX・ PAYNOW可
■ 参加方法: お申込み後、WhatsAppグループへご招待します。zoomリンクや、レッスン情報、音源、動画など、グループ内で受取ることができます。

沢山のご参加お待ちしています :)


Nadia A. Sueoka
(NOA PRODUCTION : 53398231J) 
Phone SG: +65 9295 6041 

DANCE is the hidden language of the soul.