Saturday, June 11, 2022



*Japanese writing click here


It's me, NADIA!
Just back in town, my homeland Singapore.

In May, a face-to-face workshop in Tokyo for the first time in about two and a half years, a live music belly dance show, a restaurant show, and NADIA ONLINE's long-awaited off-party "TOKYO HAFLA" will be held. I'm really happy to have been with you for a month. Thank you to everyone who met and everyone who took care of us.

The online workshop held at the same time was also very popular, and nearly 70 people participated online and face-to-face.

Once again, I'm really happy to share with you the special feeling of live drum solo WS with Takseema, the deep world view of SAKURA SAKURA choreography WS, and the top two popular works. I'm really thankful to you. Although it was very late, we will send the choreography video, face-to-face WS recording, and group photo to the participants by e-mail separately.

In addition, for the choreography at this WS, we plan to launch a live performance co-star and performance project again when planning the next event. Please review and warm it up.

I am glad that all the projects have been warmed up with all my might, but I was particularly impressed by the moment of reunion with everyone at "TOKYO HAFLA". The dazzling smiles of everyone who danced the many works that kept warming up despite the COVID pandemic! It really stuck in my heart.

We have received a lot of feedback on this project, but the one I was most pleased with was the comment.

"TOKYO HAFLA is our home !!"

You said well!


 "Home" sounds good.

It was a moment when the concept of this community and TOKYO HAFLA was newly established.

Regardless of the location, the feeling of being connected properly, whether real or online, is encouraging. I am happy to see that we are growing into a wonderful community like that warm home that will motivate everyone to live tomorrow, and I would like to grow with you all in the future. Thank you for your continued support.

I would like to hold "TOKYO HAFLA --vol.2" which I am interested in this winter. Do you want to perform? Do you want to come see it? Do you definitely want to watch it online? Want to join an organized team? Want to join the group dance this time? Anything is fine, so please let us know your opinions.

As for the future activity prospects of NADIA ONLINE, the revival of Singapore's most exciting belly dance competition is underway in the spring of next year (assuming around May 2023), so it depends on the situation of COVID. Hopefully, why don't you come to Singapore and participate in the competition? I also think it would be great if we could plan "SINGAPORE HAFLA" on the same weekend. It depends on the situation, but first of all, I will dare to put it in words so that it can be easily realized. If you are interested, please think about your plans for the next year.


This time, NADIA danced at the opening of the live performance show "Alaa El-Baab" in Tokyo, and the popular mejanse "Mashaal" was selected as the NADIA ONLINE theme song that started in June.

You can watch the video here

It's gorgeous and profound, and it's a song I really like. When I think about it, I've danced with this song many times for more than 10 years, and I actually make about 3 patterns of choreography. This time, I found a new version of a very nice sound source, so I will use it to dance the new choreography. (The sound source used when dancing at Tokyo Cafe Bohemia on 5/30: Click here for the video!)

Please prepare a veil or Isis Wing.

The official name of "Mashaal" is "Raqs el Mashaal" (Dance of Torch). "Mashaal" means "torch" in Arabic and has a wonderful title of a sparkling dance like a burning torch. It's an Egyptian song from the 1970s.

With the image of holding a torch of passion that never disappears in our soul, we want to dance a sparkling and fascinating dance.

I think it will be a show-worthy work, so now that entertainment is reviving, I wanted everyone to dance at various events, so I chose it.

Absolutely cool!

Also, when this song is finished, we will form a group dance at the opening of "TOKYO HAFLA --Vol.2" and create an opportunity to co-star with everyone. Everyone who participates, please take a look at the performance and learn together.

Regarding the schedule,

June starts from the 2nd week, so now the term has lessons until the 1st week of August. Complete the choreography in 8 weeks and build a body that can dance it.

If you want to increase your flexibility or strengthen your core, we recommend taking yoga. The sharpness of the dance is from the trunk! The suppleness of dance comes from its flexibility!

As "Yoga for Dancers", I share a lot of poses that Nadia chose. Since we are approaching from the core, it will definitely have a positive effect on your performance.

Now. Lessons are roughly divided into three styles.


"NADIA ONLINE on ZOOM", which can be taken from a distance, has been very popular in the two years of COVID pandemic, and is a popular lesson style that has been taken by more than 100 people. Prices are $ 150 (¥ 12,500) / month or package $ 250 (¥ 20,000) / 2 months. It takes 2 months (8 weeks) to learn choreography for one song, and you can take as many lessons as you like, 4 days a week, 3 classes a day, and 40 classes a month. You can participate in as many basic classes, choreography classes, yoga classes as you like without reservation. Also, even if you miss a lesson, you will receive a commentary video once a week so that you can learn choreography.

HAFLA online and the first offline "TOKYO HAFLA" will be realized this spring so that you can share what you have learned. From now on, let's hold the above events regularly. How about participating in an overseas festival with Nadia and co-starring on stage there? I think the event in Asia will be revived, so please be motivated and follow along.

Application: To NADIA
Payment: To NADIA (Bank transfer, PEATIX, PAYNOW possible)

"ONLINE & STUDIO" members are a new set plan that allows you to take online lessons as well as studios. Prices are $ 250 / month for a month or $ 450/2 months for a package. It takes 2 months (8 weeks) to learn choreography for one song, and you can take as many lessons as you like, 4 days a week, 3 classes a day, and 40 classes a month. You can participate in as many basic classes, choreography classes, yoga classes as you like without reservation. Also, even if you miss a lesson, you will receive a commentary video once a week in a style like Shinkenzemi so that you can learn choreography. Also, if your studio lesson is canceled due to COVID, or if you are requested to SHN due to a COVID infected person in your family, you can switch online from your home and take lessons flexibly. ..

Application: To NADIA
Payment: At Raffles Town Club

"STUDIO ONLY" is a ticket-based plan that has remained unchanged from before COVID and has continued at the same rate since the school was established. You can take 10 classes (10 hours) for $ 250 and the ticket is valid for 3 months. An admission fee of $ 50 is required (first time only). Tickets can be used for basic classes, choreography classes, yoga classes, performance classes, etc., so it is a perfect plan for those who want to come to the studio and exercise at their own pace. (Choreography tutorial and sound source are not included)

Application: To NADIA
Payment: At Raffles Town Club

■ Trial lesson or drop-in: $ 35 (¥ 3,000) / 60min class
■ Private lesson: $ 100 (¥ 8,000) / 60min class
■ Online private lessons: $ 100 (¥ 8,000) / 60min class
■ Online private lesson: NADIA ONLINE member discount $ 50 (¥ 4,000) / 60min class

【Admission fee】
■ STUDIO ONLY → $ 50 for the first time only (There is a promotion until the end of June. If you say "I saw Parti!", $ 50 will be waived)

[Addition] If you have purchased a $ 250 10-time ticket and cannot use it and the expiration date of 3 months is approaching, use the ticket as a voucher to pay for the above "ONLINE & STUDIO" subscription plan. It is also possible. For example, if you have a performance and want to use the ticket for the rehearsal class 5 times and use the rest for the next month's subscription, etc., we can respond flexibly if you consult us. We are arranging so that all the students do not lose. If you have any problems, please contact Nadia.

Also, for those who have a ticket for Raffles Town Club purchased before May 2021. Considering the regulations in COVID pandemic, it freezes the expiration date for more than one year, but it is informed that it will expire at the end of July this year according to the policy of Raffles Town Club. If you have a card, we have negotiated so that you can use the balance amount of that card for the above dance ticket and subscription plan.

Please let us know at the reception.

For example, if you have 3 hours left on your old card, $ 25 x 3 = $ 75, so you can buy a new card for the amount minus $ 75. It feels like a voucher.

If you have an old card, please come to RTC by the end of July 2022 and replace it with a new card. After the end of July 2022, old tickets will no longer be available. Please be careful.

However, it must be in your own name. Please refrain from buying and cashing in your friend's name. Please note that the purchased card can only be used by yourself (or your family).

[Lesson fee, studio information]

■ Admission fee: $ 50 (only for the first time as an RTC facility usage fee)
■ Monthly fee: $ 250 + GST ​​→ 40 classes You can take as many classes as you like (1 month)
■ Package: $ 450 + GST ​​→ (for 2 months)
■ Ticket system: $ 250 + GST ​​→ 60min class 10 times (valid for 3 months)
■ Date: Held on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday. Check the lesson schedule on the web
■ Contents: Basics of belly dance, choreography, yoga
■ Studio location: Raffles Town Club, Harmony Studio

* Performance classes are held irregularly on Saturdays by invitation only. You can only participate by ticket system. This is a special class for co-starring in a show featuring Nadia. Nadia offers direct appearances to those with a high attendance rate.


If you say "I saw Parti!", The admission fee of $ 50 will be waived! Until the end of June.

【important subjects】

If you have an old card, please come to RTC by the end of July 2022 and replace it with a new card. After the end of July 2022, old tickets will no longer be available. Please be careful. Also, the card is valid only in your own name.

If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact Nadia.

Friday, June 10, 2022

【6月スタート新作 "MASHAAL" 】★ NADIA ONLINE & STUDIO LESSON - Singapore!



5月は、なんと約2年半ぶりとなる東京での対面ワークショップ、生演奏ショー、レストランショー、そして、NADIA ONLINE待望のオフ会ハフラ「TOKYO HAFLA」開催と、隅から隅まで素敵な1ヶ月をご一緒できましたことを本当に嬉しく思っています。お会いした皆様、お世話になりました関係者の皆様、本当にありがとうございました。


改めて、タクシーマさんとの生演奏ドラムソロWSの特別感、SAKURA SAKURA振付WSの深い世界観、人気作品トップ2を、皆様と共有させていただけたことを本当に嬉しく思います。本当にありがとうございました。参加者の皆様へは、大変遅くなりましたが、振付動画・対面WS録画・集合写真を別途、メールにてお送りいたしますね。


どの企画も全力で温めてきたので、成功を嬉しく思いますが、中でも特に、「TOKYO HAFLA」での皆様との再会の瞬間が感動的でした。コロナ禍も諦めず温め続けてきた作品の数々を踊ってくれた皆の、その笑顔の眩しいこと!本気で心に刺さりました。


「TOKYO HAFLAは、私たちのホームです!!」




ナディアの中でも、このコミュニティのあり方や、TOKYO HAFLAの、コンセプトが新たに固まった瞬間でした。


気になる「TOKYO HAFLA - vol.2」は、今年の冬に開催したいです。踊りたい人いますか?観に来たい人いますか?オンラインでも絶対観ます!とか、オーガナイズチームに入りたいとか、今度こそ群舞に参加したいとか、なんでもいいので、どんどんご意見を教えてくださいね。

また今後のNADIA ONLINEの活動見通しとしては、来年春に(2023年5月ごろを想定)に、シンガポールで最も盛り上がるベリーダンス コンペの復活が水面下で進んでいるので、コロナの状況次第ではありますが、うまく運べば、シンガポールでのコンペに皆さんも参加されてみては?などと考えています。その前後で「SINGAPORE HAFLA」の企画もできたら良いかなとも。状況次第ではありますが、実現しやすいように、まずは、あえて言葉にしておきます。興味ある方は、ここから先、1年の予定を考えてみてくださいね。


今回、東京での生演奏ショー「Alaa El-Baab」のオープニングでNADIAが踊り、好評を博したメジャンセ"Mashaal"を、6月スタートのNADIA ONLINE課題曲として選曲致しました。


華やかで重厚感あって品もあり、本当に大好きな曲で、考えてみたらもう10年以上前から何度も踊り、振付も実は3パターンほど作って持っています笑。今回は、新しいバージョンのとても素敵な音源を見つけたので、そちらを使用し、新作振付を踊っていきます。(5/30に東京カフェボヘミアで踊った時に使用した音源です: 動画はこちらから!)


Mashaal」の正式名は、"Raqs el Mashaal" (Dance of Torch)。"Mashaal"はアラビア語で "たいまつ"の意味で、メラメラ燃えるたいまつの様な煌くダンスと言う、何とも素敵なタイトルがついています。1970年代のエジプトの曲で、意外に古い曲なのですね。




また、この曲は仕上がりましたら、「TOKYO HAFLA - Vol.2」のオープニングで、群舞を組み、皆様と共演の機会を作ります。ご参加の皆様は、パフォーマンスもぜひ視野に入れて、一緒に学んでみてくださいね。







遠方からも受講できる「NADIA ONLINE on ZOOM」は、コロナ禍の2年で大好評を博し、100名以上の方に受講いただいている人気レッスンスタイルです。料金は、月額 $150 (¥12,500) / 1ヶ月、または、パッケージ $250 (¥20,000) / 2ヶ月を用意しています。2ヶ月(8週間)かけて、1曲振付を学び、レッスンは週に4日、1日3クラス、月40クラスを好きなだけ受講し放題。基礎クラス・振付クラス・ヨガクラス、どのクラスも予約なしでお好きなだけご参加いただけます。また、レッスンを逃しても、振付が学べる様に、週に一度、進研ゼミの様なスタイルで解説動画も届きます。

学んだことを発表しあえるよう、オンラインでのハフラや、この春ははじめてのオフラインハフラ"TOKYO HAFLA"も実現し、これから先は、その定期開催や、海外のフェスへの参加、フェスでのナディアとの共演ステージデビューなども、叶えて行きたいです。アジアでのイベントが復活してくると思うので、ぜひ、モチベーション高めてついてきてださいね。ナディアがグイッと引っ張って行きます。

お支払い:NADIAまで (銀行振込・PEATIX・ PAYNOW可能)

「ONLINE & STUDIO」メンバーは、オンラインも受講できてスタジオも受講できると言う新しいセットプランです。料金は、月額 $250 / 1ヶ月、または、パッケージ $450 / 2ヶ月を用意しています。2ヶ月(8週間)かけて、1曲振付を学び、レッスンは週に4日、1日3クラス、月40クラスを好きなだけ受講し放題。基礎クラス・振付クラス・ヨガクラス、どのクラスも予約なしでお好きなだけご参加いただけます。また、レッスンを逃しても、振付が学べる様に、週に一度、進研ゼミの様なスタイルで解説動画も届きます。また、コロナの影響でスタジオレッスンが中止になった際や、自宅待機を要請された場合でも、ご自宅からオンラインに切り替えて、フレキシブルにレッスン受講ができると言う嬉しいプランです。

お支払い:Raffles Town Clubにて

「STUDIO ONLY」は、コロナ前から変わらず、スクール設立当時から同じ料金で続けてきたチケット制プランです。$250で10コマ(10時間)受講でき、チケットは3ヶ月有効となります。入会金が$50必要です(初回限り)。チケットは、基礎クラス・振付クラス・ヨガクラス・パフォーマンスクラスなど、どのクラスにもチケットをご利用いただけるので、ご自分のペースでスタジオ来て体を動かしたいと言う方にはぴったりのプランです。(振付動画・音源は含まれません)

お支払い:Raffles Town Clubにて

■ 体験レッスン・ドロップイン: $35 (¥3,000) / 60分クラス
■ プライベートレッスン:$100 (¥8,000) / 60分クラス
■ オンラインプライベートレッスン:$100 (¥8,000) / 60分クラス
■ オンラインプライベートレッスン:NADIA ONLINEメンバー割引 $50 (¥4,000) / 60分クラス

■ STUDIO ONLY → 初回のみ$50 (6月末までパルティをみた!で無料になるプロモあり)

【追記】$250の10回チケットをご購入後、使いきれず、3ヶ月の有効期限が近づいている場合、上記の「ONLINE & STUDIO」のサブスクプランへのお支払いに、チケットをバウチャーとして使用することも可能です。例えば、パフォーマンスがあってリハクラスに5回チケットを使って残りを翌月のサブスクに使いたい・・など、相談くだされば臨機応変に対応できます。受講生の皆様が損をしないようアレンジをしています。困ったことがあったらナディアまでご相談ください。

また、2021年5月以前にご購入いただいたRaffles Town Clubのチケットをお持ちの方は、コロナ規制を考慮し、有効期限を1年以上フリーズしてもらっています。しかし、Raffles Town Clubの方針で、今年の7月末に失効するとの連絡あり。もし、カードをお持ちの方いらっしゃいましたら、そのカードのバランス金額を、上記ダンスチケット、サブスクプランにお使いいただけるように交渉いたしました。


例えば、古いカードの残数が3時間分あったとして、$25 x 3 = $75ですので、$75を引いた金額で、新しいカードを購入できるという感じです。バウチャーになる感じですね。




■ 入会金:$50 (RTC施設利用料として初回のみ)
■ 月謝制:$250 +GST → 40コマお好きなだけ受講できます (1ヶ月分) 
■ パッケージ:$450 +GST → (2ヶ月分)
■ チケット制:$250 + GST → 60分クラス10回分 (3ヶ月有効)
■ 開催日:月・水・木・日に開催。レッスンスケジュールはウェブでチェック
■ 内容:ベリーダンスの基礎・振付・ヨガ
■ スタジオ場所:Raffles Town Club, Harmony Studio





