Wednesday, August 29, 2018

【Event Annoucement】★ "A Night of Orient" Vol.4 - 9/23(sun) 17:00-19:00

Hello, this is Nadia!!

Time flies! August is almost over. How did you spend your holiday?

In August, I was in Taiwan and performed at the bellydance festival's gala show with live performances by Egyptian orchestra, then I charged a lot of energy. Of course, I will share it with you at the lesson, but first of all I want to deliver the "heat" to the spectators from the stage with a bellydance performance in September, very enthusiastic!

September 23 (Sun),  "A Night of Orient Vol.4 " will be unveiled to restore for the first time in two years!

This time, it is so amazing!!

Perhaps the first time ever in Asia, the collaboration of Japanese drum (taiko) and Bellydance will be come true. A director of the popular Japanese taiko production "Hibikiya", NAMIKO who is famous as a Japanese taiko artist will be invited to perform as the guest artist, and her Japanese drum live performance and one of the best NADIA's choreography "Matsuri"(by Kitaro) in collaboration, we will be so much honor to commence the show with this beautiful song. I absolutely want you to watch this on live. It is very different from what you see in the video or Youtube. Especially when it comes to live music, the way the sound resonates when it resonates in your heart through the air. I think that it will definitely be something special, in touch to your heart.  I would like you to see it at the venue and feel it. The sound of 'WA"(Japan) released here in Singapore and the dance that expresses that soul!

In addition, we can not miss the program by NOURAH, the guest artist from Tokyo. She is regurarly invited as a teacher and dancer to the Turkish Belly Dance Festival every year and is an international artist. As a main dancer of BabaZura, a popular band in Turkey, she has also performed in various places in Europe and gained popularity. She own the studio "Ruhani Bellydance Arts" in Tokyo Omotesando and is active as a centerpiece of the Tokyo's bellydance scene. A miracle stage that the fusion work based on her latest work "Japanese fusion" on Owara Traditional Dance and bellydance's Tribal style can be seen here in Singapore! Everyone, please do not miss it!

Following the above, one of my students, ANNA won the spectacular victory in the professional category at the Asia Global Belly Dance Competition held in Singapore this June, then won the second place in the professional category in the competition in Taiwan in August. We will be looking forward to showing her champion choreography "HAYATI", and her new work, the modern ballady. She is gaining momentum and delivering beautiful energy, she has earned reputation from many overseas masters too!

This year, all the performers are fired and there are many beautiful solo performances, and you can see a variety of shows of duo and troupes that all NADIA supervised. Let me say that, there is no compromise at all! ;) 

I understand everyone is busy, however, please try to make yourself free on the day, come with your family and friends on September 23 (Sun)! Children is charged only half price, babies on knees are free.
For tickets, please contact me or the performers or purchase at the GYM reception desk at Raffles Town Club.

"A Night of Orient " オリエンタルの夜に - Vol.4 
Artistic Bellydance Theatre Show Singapore - Organized by NADIA Bellydance Entertainment

Date : Sunday 23 September 2018
Time : 17:00 - 19:00 (16:30 door open)
Venue : Goodman Arts Centre Black Box 
Address : Block M #01-53, 90 Goodman Rd, Singapore 439053
Ticket : $50.00 for Adult, $25.00 for Child, Free for Baby
Inquiry :
Performance by : Samia, Anna, Tomoko, Kurenai, Freesia, Takiko, 
Linda, Jessica, Rie, Kaoru, Yuriko, Natsuki, Yuuri, NOURAH, NAMIKO, NADIA

See you all there!! ;)


【Event 告知】★ "A Night of Orient - オリエンタルの夜に" Vol.4 開催 - 9/23(sun) 17:00より



9月23日(日)!いよいよ2年ぶりに復活する「オリエンタルの夜に - "A Night of Orient " Vol.4」の幕開けです!


おそらくアジア初となる和太鼓とベリーダンスの夢の競演が叶います。あの有名な人気和太鼓プロダクション「響屋」の代表であり、和太鼓アーティストとして活躍中のNAMIKOさんをゲストに迎え、彼女の和太鼓生演奏と、NADIA作品の代表作である「響宴 - Matsuri」のコラボレーションで、ショーのオープニングを豪華に飾ります。これは絶対に、生で観ていただきたい。映像で見るのとは格段に異なります。特に生演奏となると、空気を通って皆様の心に響く際の、音の響き方が異なります。間違いなく感動的な作品になることと思いますので、当日会場でそれを観て、感じていただきたいです。ここシンガポールで発信される、「和」のサウンドと、その魂を表現した舞を!

また今回、東京から遥々来星し出演してくださるゲストアーティスト、NOURAHさんによる演目も見逃せません。彼女は毎年トルコのベリーダンスフェスティバルに講師兼ダンサーとして招かれ、国際的に活躍されるアーティスト。トルコで人気のバンド、ババズーラのメインダンサーとしてヨーロッパ各地でも公演し、人気を博しています。東京表参道でスタジオ「Ruhani Bellydance Arts」を主宰し、東京のベリーダンスシーンの中心的存在として活躍中です。そんな彼女による「和」をモチーフにした最新作品 "おわら風の盆" とベリーダンストライバルスタイルによるフュージョン作品が、なんとここシンガポールで観れるという奇跡のステージ!皆様、どうぞ見逃さないでくさい!




チケットについては、私か出演者にご連絡くださるか、またはRaffles Town ClubのGYM受付でも購入可能です。

"A Night of Orient " オリエンタルの夜に - Vol.4 

Artistic Bellydance Theatre Show Singapore - Organized by NADIA Bellydance Entertainment

Date : Sunday 23 September 2018
Time : 17:00 - 19:00 (16:30 door open)
Venue : Goodman Arts Centre Black Box 
Address : Block M #01-53, 90 Goodman Rd, Singapore 439053

Ticket : $50.00 for Adult, $25.00 for Child, Free for Baby
Inquiry :

Performance by : Samia, Anna, Tomoko, Kurenai, Freesia, Takiko, Linda, Jessica, Rie, Kaoru, Yuriko, Natsuki, Yuuri, NOURAH, NAMIKO, NADIA



DANCE is the hidden language of the soul.