Thursday, October 1, 2020

【NADIA ONLINE】★ Wednesday evening class is BACK!! (Studio & Zoom)


Hello! ★ This is Nadia. Thank you for taking the lessons enthusiastically. In 2020, almost all of the fun was taken away by COVID-19, however, I sincerely thanks to my students who believe and follow me that I can continue to dance & teach without losing hope. Thank you very much!

What can we do for everyone who has been switching all lessons online since April of this year and is still enthusiastic about practicing? I've been thinking for a long time. 

Online Hafla? Video shooting? Is it possible to create an opportunity for my ONLINE LESSON students to interact with each other? I was always thinking while taking a shower LOL, and wondering if there was a way to do all of that digitally. 

After all, it would be too lonely for us that 2020 to pass without doing anything like this, right? Although it is different from the usual recital, I searched for "what I can do now" as a new normal and thought about how to create and leave our this year's work. 

I would like to hold a small presentation in December. It feels like a digital hafla. We will prepare a platform where students can exchange comments and easily go to see the dances of their dance mates. We will contact you by email soon for all the October NADIA ONLINE participants! 

Please look forward to it! :)

Now. Thank you very much for your patience! 

The new choreography we study from October is, modern baladi. We will use the song "Soft Taqsim & Soft Baladi" by Nicholas Kirlis, the son of Mario Kirlis, the master of Arab music in Argentine. As the title says, it feels very gentle and soft. Let's dance together in an Argentine style Baladi with a modern style and feel positive and beautiful energy. 

This will be the last choreography NADIA makes in the year of 2020.

Don't miss it! :)

Then, there's the nice news! 

Some offline classes will be back in October. First of all, from the Wednesday night class. 

At the Harmony Studio of Raffles Town Club, I will teach BASIC, CHOREO, and YOGA for 60 minutes each from 18:00 to 21:00. 

Until now, online classes were held only in the morning, but we will take this opportunity to teach Wednesday night classes in a hybrid studio and online. If you would like to come on Wednesday night, please make a reservation and come to the studio. The maximum number of students is eight only, so if you cannot make a reservation, you can take the class online at home. Please message Nadia directly for reservations. You can make a reservation for one month at a time. 

Of course, ALL students are welcome to join online at your convenience on Wednesday night. Until now, even those who could only take classes on Sundays due to work on weekdays will be able to take more classes and dance a lot by having Wednesday night classes. 

Also, will it be easier to take classes from the United States and Europe in a time zone? I can also expect that! :) 

In addition, online lessons so far have held 1 slot 50 minutes class 3 times a day, but from this month, all classes will be held in 1 slot 60 minutes. Plenty of 3 hours. It is enough volume to take only one class of your choice, but for those who want to exercise a lot, by all means, please get along with us for 3 hours! :)

As mentioned above, from October, offline belly dance lessons will be revived once a week. Wednesday night classes will be held at the Raffles Town Club.

2 minutes walk from MRT "STEVENS" station. It is a very convenient place, about 10 minutes by bus from Orchard Road. Upon admission, we will check your body temperature. The studio has been renovated during the CB, and it's a clean studio with thorough ventilation and cleaning, and let's dance freely with new flooring!  

You can use it in the changing room, shower room, sauna, resting lounge, cafeteria, etc. There is usually a $50 admission fee for the first time only, but now NADIA ONLINE lesson students can enjoy the waiver of $50 the admission fee.

There are two types of tickets. $250 (10 hours) or $30 (1hour). It will generate 7% GST. Valid for 3 months from the date of purchase. Tickets purchased before CB have a frozen expiration date, so please tell us your name at the reception and continue using it! 

For online lessons, the lesson time will be 60 minutes per lesson and the lesson days will increase to 4 days a week, but the price will remain the same! You can take more courses for the same amount as before. 

Let's enjoy this year's last term together. In December, I would like to hold a workshop. The content is currently being planned, if you have any requests, don't hesitate to let me know! 


If you are not taking this basic class, the way you enter the choreography class is completely different. The reason why you started to feel "Oh! My body moves!" is, because you have built up a solid foundation. Continuation is power. Why don't you create a "dancer body" and at the same time aim to strengthen your core and improve your basal metabolism?

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Morning Lessons ▶︎ Every Sunday, Monday, Thursday
BASIC 10:00-11:00 | CHOREO 11:00-12:00 | YOGA 12:00-13:00 | (60min)

Evening Lesson ▶︎ Every Wednesday Studio & Zoom! NEW!! 
BASIC 18:00-19:00 | CHOREO 19:00-20:00 | YOGA 20:00-21:00 | (60min)
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We are instructing NADIA choreographed works with the aim of completing one song in two months. We learn new choreography routines once a week and send you practical videos of the explanations as teaching materials. Even if there are weeks when you couldn't attend the lesson, you are still able to study with video so that all the students will be able to dance one song by the end of the two-month term.

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Morning Lessons ▶︎ Every Sunday, Monday, Thursday
BASIC 10:00-11:00 | CHOREO 11:00-12:00 | YOGA 12:00-13:00 | (60min)

Evening Lesson ▶︎ Every Wednesday Studio & Zoom! NEW!! 
BASIC 18:00-19:00 | CHOREO 19:00-20:00 | YOGA 20:00-21:00 | (60min)
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YOGA is the Sanskrit word for "connection" and refers to the state where the mind, body and soul are connected. It combines breathing, posture, and meditation to relieve tension in the body and mind, and stabilise and ease the mind.

Yoga poses which calls "Asanas" have the effect of correcting body distortions, improving flexibility and physical fitness, etc., but combining relaxed breathing and meditation enhances concentration and a gentle and stable mental state. 

The effects of breathing on the body and mind are so deep. The breathing method, which is also the basis of yoga, increases vitality and concentration by controlling breathing, and connects the mind and body. 

It also has the effect that oxygen is sent to each cell and activated from inside the body. By expanding and contracting muscles and deep breathing, the lymph flow and blood circulation are improved, and the internal organs are activated, your body refreshed and comfortable, but it also helps prevent skin aging.

By the end of each lesson, it is impressive that the participants' faces look so refresh and sharp.

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Morning Lessons ▶︎ Every Sunday, Monday, Thursday
BASIC 10:00-11:00 | CHOREO 11:00-12:00 | YOGA 12:00-13:00 | (60min)

Evening Lesson ▶︎ Every Wednesday Studio & Zoom! NEW!! 
BASIC 18:00-19:00 | CHOREO 19:00-20:00 | YOGA 20:00-21:00 | (60min)
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All class are taught directly by teacher Nadia. We have 3 lessons a day, 4 days a week, 48 ​​lessons a month. 

You can take a class that suits you at your own pace!

So, why not? Join us from 4th October!

Inquiry about class, don't hesitate to message her.

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NADIA ONLINE LESSON - October & November -

Morning Lessons ▶︎ Every Sunday, Monday, Thursday
| BASIC 10:00-11:00 | CHOREO 11:00-12:00 | YOGA 12:00-13:00 | (60min)

Evening Lesson ▶︎ Every Wednesday Studio & Zoom! NEW!
| BASIC 18:00-19:00 | CHOREO 19:00-20:00 | YOGA 20:00-21:00 | (60min)

■ Fee : $150 → 48 classes, you can attend as much as you want!
■ Promotion : $250 for 2 month ($50 worth). 2months package in October & November.
■ Initial fee : Free
■ Trial/Drop-in : We do not open at this moment.
■ Choreography video is not on sales. Provided only for lesson participants.

【OFFLINE LESSON @ Raffles Town Club】
■ Fee:$250 / 60min x 10 classes (valid for 3 months from the date of purchase)
■ Initial fee:$50 (Only firt time) → However, online lesson students are exempt from the admission fee
■ Trial/Drop-in : $30 /60min 
■ Capacity:8 students only (Reservation required)
■ How to reserve? : Message to Nadia. You can reserve any day and time slot by telling her. We will close the application as soon as we reach the capacity of 8 people, and after that we will wait for cancellation
■ Venue:Raffles Town Club, Harmony Studio 
■ Address : 1 Plymouth Avenue, Singapore 297753

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【How to apply?】
- Send an message to Nadia via SNS
Facebook / Instagram / Messenger / LINE / WhatsApp / Gmail / 

【What to provide?】
- Your full name
- Email address (use for sending songs)

【Which App to download?】

- Zoom (used in lessons)
- WhatsApp (used for video distribution)

【How to settle payment?】
- Bank transfer (details will be sent you after you applied)

【Lesson Schedule】
Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. See the calendar on attached. Pink, blue and purple slots are eligible. On other days, it is a private lesson slots to be used (online/offline is possible).

【Private Lesson】
Nadia will teach you anything at anytime on your request. She accepts one-on-one private lessons or semi-private instruction. It is also possible to teach the choreography brush-up that you are currently learning in the online lesson, as well as some advise about stage work for your upcoming performance! Contact her if you are interested. (There are some special discount for online lessons students too. Please ask!)

We do not use any props in October & November choreography class. Please prepare only hipscarf, yoga mat, towel, and water bottle. You will be pretty sweaty! :)

If you have any questions, please contact Nadia!

DANCE is the hidden language of the soul. 

【NADIA ONLINE】★10月より一部オフラインクラスも復活します!









10月からの新作振付は、しっとり、優しい感じのモダンバラディを踊ります。アルゼンチンの巨匠、マリオ・キリリスの御子息であるニコラス・キリリスの楽曲「Soft Taqsim & Soft Baladi」を使います。タイトル通り、とっても優しい感じ。アルゼンチンスタイルのバラディを、モダンに、前向きで素敵なエネルギーを感じながら、一緒に踊りましょう。




Raffles Town Clubのハーモニースタジオにて、18:00-21:00、BASIC, CHOREO, YOGAを、各60分ずつ、3コマ教えます。これまで、オンラインクラスでは朝クラスのみ開催していましたが、これを機に、水曜の夜クラスをスタジオとオンラインのハイブリットで教えることを試みます。







更衣室、シャワールーム、サウナ、休憩ラウンジ、カフェテリアなど、お使いいただけます。初回のみ、通常入会金$50が発生しますが、現在NADIA ONLINEのレッスン生は、入会金が免除されるように交渉しました!:) 

チケットは、2種類。$250 (10時間分) or $30 (1時間)。7%のGSTが発生します。購入日から3ヶ月有効です。CB前に購入されたチケットは、有効期限を凍結してありますので、受付でお名前をお伝えいただき、引き続きご利用くださいね!




この基礎クラス、受講してるのとしてないのでは、振付クラスでの振りの入っていき方が全然違う。「あれ?体が動く!」と感じるようになったのは、コツコツ基礎を積んでいるからです。継続は力なり!ですね。「踊れる体」= 「自由に動ける体」を作りあげ、同時に、体幹強化、基礎代謝アップを狙いませんか?

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朝レッスン日時 ▶︎ 毎週 日曜・月曜・木曜
BASIC 10:00-11:00 | CHOREO 11:00-12:00 | YOGA 12:00-13:00 | (各60分クラス)

夜レッスン日時 ▶︎ 毎週 水曜 Studio & Zoom! NEW!! 
BASIC 18:00-19:00 | CHOREO 19:00-20:00 | YOGA 20:00-21:00 | (各60分クラス)
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朝レッスン日時 ▶︎ 毎週 日曜・月曜・木曜
BASIC 10:00-11:00 | CHOREO 11:00-12:00 | YOGA 12:00-13:00 | (各60分クラス)

夜レッスン日時 ▶︎ 毎週 水曜 Studio & Zoom! NEW!! 
BASIC 18:00-19:00 | CHOREO 19:00-20:00 | YOGA 20:00-21:00 | (各60分クラス)
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ヨガとは、サンスクリット語で「つながり」を意味し、心と体、魂が繋がっている状態のことを表します。 呼吸、姿勢、瞑想を組み合わせて、心身の緊張をほぐし、心の安定とやすらぎを得るものです。



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朝レッスン日時 ▶︎ 毎週 日曜・月曜・木曜
BASIC 10:00-11:00 | CHOREO 11:00-12:00 | YOGA 12:00-13:00 | (各60分クラス)

夜レッスン日時 ▶︎ 毎週 水曜 Studio & Zoom! NEW!! 
BASIC 18:00-19:00 | CHOREO 19:00-20:00 | YOGA 20:00-21:00 | (各60分クラス)
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NADIA ONLINE LESSON は、シンガポール在住の日本人ベリーダンサー、ナディアが直接指導するベリーダンスクラス・ヨガクラスです。レッスンは一日3コマ、週4日、月48コマのレッスンをご用意しています。今月から1レッスン60分に拡大しました。ヨガだけを受講される方や、基礎(BASIC)だけを受講される方もいらっしゃいます。




NADIA ONLINE LESSON は、現在、新規レッスン生募集中です!


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NADIA ONLINE LESSON - October & November -

朝レッスン日時 ▶︎ 毎週 日曜・月曜・木曜
BASIC 10:00-11:00 | CHOREO 11:00-12:00 | YOGA 12:00-13:00 | (各60分クラス)

夜レッスン日時 ▶︎ 毎週 水曜 → Studio & Zoom! NEW!
BASIC 18:00-19:00 | CHOREO 19:00-20:00 | YOGA 20:00-21:00 | (各60分クラス)

【オンラインレッスン 料金詳細】
■ 受講料:お月謝制 $150 (¥12,500) → 48レッスンお好きなだけ受講し放題
■ 受講料 (割引制度):2ヶ月分おまとめ割引 → 10月と11月継続して受講される方は、お月謝を$125 (¥10,000)/月に割引致します。お支払いは2ヶ月分 $250 (¥20000)をまとめて完了させてください。
■ 入会金:無料 
■ 体験・ドロップインは現在受け付けていません
■ 振付ビデオのみの販売は致しません。

【オフラインレッスン 料金詳細】
■ 受講料:チケット制 $250 / 60分クラス 10回分(購入日より3ヶ月間有効) 
■ 入会金:$50 (初回のみ) ただしオンラインレッスン生は入会金が免除されます
■ 体験・ドロップイン:$30 / 60分クラス
■ 定員:8名 (ご予約制)
■ ご予約方法:1か月分をまとめてご予約可能。ご出席されるレッスン日時をナディアまでメッセージください。8名定員に達し次第、募集を締め切らせて頂き、それ以降はキャンセル待ち対応とさせて頂きます。
■ 会場:Raffles Town Club, Harmony Studio 
■ Address : 1 Plymouth Avenue, Singapore 297753

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Facebook / Instagram / Messenger / LINE / WhatsApp / Gmail など。メールの方は、 まで。

- フルネーム (アルファベット表記)
- パソコンのメールアドレス (音源送付で使用)

- Zoom (レッスンで使用)
- WhatsApp (動画配信で使用)

シンガポールまたは日本の銀行口座へご送金頂く形になります。お申し込み頂いた方には送付先の詳細をお送り致します。オフラインレッスンについては、Raffles Town Clubの受付でお支払いください。





DANCE is the hidden language of the soul.