Monday, January 13, 2020

【2020 January Start】★ New Bellydance Class by NADIA

Dear all,

Happy New Year! 

After a long break in Japan, I finally (!) returned to Singapore. 

2020 is the Tokyo Olympic year, as well as the 10th anniversary of the founding of NADIA Bellydance Entertainment & School Singapore. It is kind of important milestone year for me, so I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who has been with me all the time, in good time and bad time, sharing lots of laughter and tears with me, and even now for aiming the same dream for the next decade with me. I would like express my feeling through the anniversary events which I organize this year, as well as through the dance performance, or even inside of the choreography which I share. Let's see what's happening in this year 2020, and have fun with me! :) 

Now, we are starting. The first lesson of 2020 will begin in this week.  This time, I would like to select my special new choreography to two best songs, and study with you all.

For Sunday & Monday morning class, "Tahtil Shibbak"(Hoda Al Sonbaty version). In the class on Wednesday evening & Thursday morning,  "El Fan" .

Is "Tahtil Shibbak" the song that I performed the most in 2019 I believe!? 

The dance styles are different because I do all improvised, but there is one part that is common, I carefully warmed and evolved to dance this song. I would like to incorporate that into my choreography and share it with everyone. Why don't we wear baladi dress in the spring time and perform together? We look forward to your participation.

By the way, the second song "El Fan" is a title meaning "art". One of AbdelWahab's masterpieces, it's actually Nadia's favorite song which she's been dancing at Shiraz and other shows for about 10 years. The melody line was incredibly grand, but what was translated to be sung to praise the arts and artists (musicians, dancers, painters, etc.). In any era, a person who is called an artist is a person who keeps shining light, and a person who continues to overcome many sufferings in a place that is invisible to people.

In the quote of abstract painter Mark Rothko,

"Artists are not talented people; they are those who understand that they can never make perfection and continue to strive for perfection."

he said.

As I continue belly dancing, no matter how much praise I get from audience after the show, I have never thought that I could perform perfectly on my own for the past 10 years. That is why I don't stop, might have to be continuing to express in search of new dances one after another, just as if they were blank and started drawing new pictures on canvas. It is a routine that will last a lifetime for me, I believe. However, the process is even such a joy and grateful. I do hope you will feel in somehow the same way with me, and let's praise the life as we embark on the path we decided to go on, and express how much beautiful art we have, shall we express them is in this song? :)

Ok now, every choreography class has a BASIC technique class on the same day. 

This is a 60-minute class, and every week I lecture and train on the muscles which is necessary for belly dance. 

This class is also highly recommended for the women for all ages and even who do not aim to perform belly dance. It focuses on the pelvis, which is the most important part of a woman's body, and strengthens the surrounding muscles that shape it, improving the line from waist to hips, standing posture, and even O-legs. It also has the effect of making your legs slimmer and thinner by increasing the strength of your inner thighs. In addition, since it is used without waste from the tip of the head, around the arm, around the waist, and the tip of the foot, there is definitely a shape-up effect. It is the best training to create a "belly dancer body" that is too much muscular nor lonely training, but it is building a strong core in your body and a feminine touch left at the same time.

Any of you gained weight during the New Year!? You should definitely participate it! :)

The new lesson for 2020 starts this Wednesday 15 January onwards! 

New lessons and trial lessons are also welcome. If you want to try something new this year,  Belly dance is a wonderful dance art that strengthens the inner and outer body as well as the mental side. You can also meet lifetime friends through dancing, perform in wonderful places unique to Singapore, and have lots of fun experiences. If you are interested, please come to the trial lesson! We look forward to seeing you there at Raffles Town Club studio!

(Choreography 1) "Tahtil Shibbak

→ Sunday morning, Monday morning 

(Choreography 2) "El Fan

→ Wednesday evening, Thursday morning 

(Basic Technique class)BASICS - Core & Strength

→ Sunday morning, Monday morning , Wednesday evening


Lesson Schedule
STARTING DATE:2020 Jan 15(wed) / 16(thu) / 19(sun) / 20(mon) スタート!

【2020 first term】2020 January - March 
■ Sun 10:30 - 11:30 (60min) :BASICS: LEVEL★☆☆☆☆
■ Sun 11:30 - 13:00 (90min) :CHOREOGRAPHY "Tahtil Shibbak": LEVEL★★★☆☆

■ Mon 10:30 - 11:30 (60min) :BASICS: LEVEL★☆☆☆☆
■ Mon 11:30 - 13:00 (90min) :CHOREOGRAPHY "Tahtil Shibbak": LEVEL★★★☆☆

■ Wed 19:00 - 20:00 (60min) :BASICS: LEVEL★☆☆☆☆
■ Wed 20:00 - 21:00 (90min) :CHOREOGRAPHY "El Fan": LEVEL★★☆☆☆

■ Thu 10:30 - 12:00 (90min) :BASICS & CHOREOGRAPHY "El Fan":LEVEL★★☆☆☆
→ Mothers with babies are also welcome at this class 

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In technique classes, we build the foundation for strengthen the body to dance. We are starting with basic attitude as a dancer, arranging the trunk of the fingertips and neck, shoulder and waist, discovering the axis of the body, and instructing them to maintain a stable posture. By keeping continuing every week surely the muscular strength will go up. Practice to move the pelvis to the correct position, using the muscles around the hip joint and the abdominal muscles (abdominal oblique muscle, abdominal transverse muscles, rectus muscles) etc. to isolate various body parts. Practice of hip work, especially because it moves inner thigh well, the flow of lymph around the hip joint is improved, the balance of female hormones is adjusted, leading to menstrual imbalances and PMS improvement as well. Belly dance is a gentle movement that does not burden the body, so you can dance with confidence as women of a wide range of age groups. Of course, those who want to refine the foundation for dancing choreography, as well as those who are new to exercise (& after a long time), those who want to move their bodies as pregnant women and as exercises after childbirth. As a rule of thumb you can participate in pregnancy until around 8 months of pregnancy and after delivery for 2 months or later, but please be sure to obtain permission of exercise OK from your doctor in charge. Shoes are unnecessary as we dance barefoot. Do not forget to bring a water bottle as it sweats. 

In choreography classes,  we introduce various tips to dance fascinating dance. Every time a new term starts I am teaching the latest choreography. Since I rarely teach old choreography repeatedly, please do not miss the chance of attending a regular class. (Regarding the old choreography, I teach in private lessons and workshops only if there is a request). I am instructing the work to be completed in 8 to 10 weeks. Share the points of the routine for dancing belly dance choreographies, how to use props (veils, asaya, etc.) and drills, study instruments and rhythms used in songs, points of expression and attraction too. At the end of the lesson, we will complete the lesson with exercise of core strength & stretching all the muscles incorporates yoga methods and relaxing in mind and body. Please bring a yoga mat or a bath towel to the class. Shoes are unnecessary as we dance barefoot. Do not forget to wear a water bottle as it sweats. Regarding choreography classes, we ask students to start taking classes within 2 to 3 weeks from the start of the term. After that, we may refuse admission.

Venue: Raffles Town Club, Harmony Studio

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* Choreography class will be completed in 8 to 9 weeks in total.
* As for choreography class, please try to make attendance of 80% at least in order to deepen understanding (If there are a lot of absences, we will consider to arrange the follow up class)
* The basic routine to be learned in the technique class is used in the form applied in the choreography class. If you take both classes, you will gain a better understanding.
* Lesson fee is done by tickets. Please purchase $ 250.00 (10 hours / 3 months valid) at reception. Tickets can be used in any class where I teach.
* Payment can be done at the reception by cash, credit card and NETS.
* Raffles Town Club administrative fee $ 50.00 is required for new students. Some facilities of RTC can be used, and benefits such as participation in school events are available after being a membership.
* Trial & drop-in is possible at any time at $ 30.00 (60 minutes class) · $ 45.00 (90 minutes class).
* Please participate the class with exercise attire. Shoes are unnecessary as we dance barefoot. Dressing room · locker · shower room are equipped. Please bring a bath towel to use with stretch at the end of class (free rental available at RTC).
* Be sure to show your dance card at reception desk before entering the studio. Please also sign the IN - OUT on the attendance sheet.

Those who wish to participate the class, if you reply me by 14 January. I will send you audio shortly.

The capacity for lesson participants is only about 10 pax. As soon as we reach the capacity, we will close the registration.

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REGISTRATION FORM (January-March 2020)

■ Name:

■ HP:

■ Email address:

■ Lesson:

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Registration & Inquiry

Don't hesitate to ask me any questions! :)
See you all at the studio! 


Sunday, January 12, 2020

【2020年1月スタート】★ 新レッスンのお知らせ!

(English version from here!)

皆様 新年明けましておめでとうございます。



日曜&月曜朝クラスでは、"Tahtil Shibbak"(Hoda Al Sonbaty version)を。水曜夜&木曜朝クラスでは "El Fan" を踊ります。

"Tahtil Shibbak"は、大好きすぎて2019年に一番踊った曲かも?8月の台湾フェスでの生演奏ショー12月の東京オリエンタルナイトでの生演奏ショー、そしてアイララでのCD音源のショー。全て異なる演奏で、即興で踊っているので、踊り方が異なりますが、一つだけ共通して、大切に温めていた、そして進化させたパートがあります。それを今回の振付の中で取り入れて、皆さんにシェアをしたいと思います。春にはバラディ衣装を来て一緒にパフォーマンスもしませんか?是非、ご参加をお待ちしています。

さて、二曲目の"El Fan"は、"芸術"と言う意味のタイトル。アブデルワッハーブの名曲の一つで、実は10年ほど前からシラーズなどのショーでは頻繁に踊っていたナディアの大好きな演目です。メロディーラインに、とてつもない壮大さを感じていましたが、芸術讃歌と訳されるその内容は、芸術や芸術家(ミュージシャン、ダンサー、画家など)を讃えるように歌われています。いつの時代でも、アーティストと呼ばれる人は、光を放ち続ける存在であり、人に見えないところで数々の苦悩を乗り越え続けている人を差すのでしょうね。






週に3回、Raffes Town Clubにて開催しているナディアが教える60分間の【BASICS - core & strength】の基礎クラスは、ベリーダンスを踊る際に必要な筋肉について毎週細かくレクチャーし、トレーニングをしています。12月には東京でもワークショップをさせて頂き満員御礼で好評を博した、ナディアのドS指導によるワークアウトで、踊れる体を作っていきます。



ヨガを長年やっているナディアとしては、ヨガほど孤独な修行ではなく笑、また、肩幅広めの筋肉ムキムキ系でもなく、内側に強い芯を作り、外は女性らしさが残る "ベリーダンサー体型" を作る最高のトレーニングです。こちら、ナディアメソッドと呼ばせてください♪内容も年々進化しています。

お正月に太ってしまった!とう方は、絶対に参加するべき!🙈💖 皆様のご参加をお待ちしていますね。



(振付1) "Tahtil Shibbak" 振付

→ 日曜朝クラス・月曜朝クラス(中級レベル)での課題曲となります。


(振付2) "El Fan" 振付

→ 水曜夜クラス・木曜朝クラス(ALLレベル)での課題曲となります。


(基礎クラス)BASICS - Core & Strength

→ 日曜朝・月曜朝・水曜夜に開催中。週に1度でも2度でもALLでも受講すると必ず体が変わります。


レッスン開始日:2020年1月15(水) / 16日(木) / 19日(日) / 20日(月) スタート!

■ 日曜 10:30 - 11:30 (60min) :基礎クラス: 難易度★☆☆☆☆
■ 日曜 11:30 - 13:00 (90min) :振付クラス"Tahtil Shibbak": 難易度★★★☆☆

■ 月曜 10:30 - 11:30 (60min) :基礎クラス: 難易度★☆☆☆☆
■ 月曜 11:30 - 13:00 (90min) :振付クラス"Tahtil Shibbak": 難易度★★★☆☆

■ 水曜 19:00 - 20:00 (60min) :基礎クラス: 難易度★☆☆☆☆
■ 水曜 20:00 - 21:00 (90min) :振付クラス "El Fan": 難易度★★☆☆☆

■ 木曜 10:30 - 12:00 (60min) :基礎 & 振付クラス "El Fan": 難易度★★☆☆☆


振付クラスでは、魅せるダンスを踊る為の様々なティップスを紹介しています。毎回新しいタームごとにNADIAの最新振付を教えています。古い振付を繰り返し教えることはありませんので、受講のチャンスを是非見逃さないでくださいね。(過去に創作した振付はリクエストに応じてプライベートレッスンやワークショップで教えることはありますがプライベートレッスンは1振付につき5時間以上の受講、WSは10名以上参加者がいる場合のみ開催可能 → 希望者はご相談ください)。作品は8〜10週で完成するように指導しています。ベリーダンスの振付を踊る為のルーティンの説明、小道具(ベール・アサヤ・ファンベールなど)の使い方とドリル、そして課題曲で使われる楽器やリズムの勉強、表現方法や魅せ方のポイントをシェアしていきます。レッスン最後にはヨガのメソッドを取り入れた体幹トレーニング&ストレッチを行い心身ともにリラックスした状態でレッスンを終えます(体がとても軽くなります)。ヨガマットまたはバスタオルをご持参ください。裸足で踊りますので靴は不要です。汗をかきますのでウォーターボトルもお忘れなく!振付クラスに関しては、ターム開始から2〜3週以内に受講開始をお願いしています。それ以降はご入会をお断りする場合があります。また、おやすみされた場合のメイクアップクラスは特にありませんので、個人レッスンで対応致します。複数の欠席者がいる場合はまとめて補修クラス開催も検討可能ですので、ご相談ください。

レッスン会場: Raffles Town Club, Harmony Studio



Raffles Town Club受付(2階 GYM Reception)にてダンスチケットをご購入ください。$250で60分クラス10回分、90分クラスは6.5回分です。ダンスチケットはナディアが教える全てのクラスでお使い頂けます。(例:日曜クラス振付クラス & 水曜夜クラス&時々基礎クラスの併用....を1枚のダンスカードで利用OK)また初回のみメンバー入会手数料$50がかかります。メンバー料金にはRaffles Town Clubの施設(スタジオ・ロッカールーム・シャワールーム・サウナ・プール・カフェテリア)の使用料が含まれます。また、体験レッスン・ドロップインは60分クラス$30.00 /90分クラス$45.00で受講頂けます。








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■ お名前:

■ お電話番号:

■ Email address:

■ 希望レッスン:

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Saturday, January 11, 2020

【2020年はクアラルンプールでも踊ります】★ "International Oriental Dance Festival Malaysia 2019"

【2020年はクアラルンプールでも踊ります】★ 3月18-21日に開催される"International Oriental Dance Festival Malaysia 2019"にて、コンペティション審査員を務め、グランドガラショーではゲストとしてこの素敵な舞台で踊ります。”アジアのトレンドということだけではなく新しいことをしたい”と言うオーガナイザーのユニースさんからの熱烈なご招待でナディアもこのイベントをサポートさせて頂くことを決めました。

