Saturday, November 3, 2018

【大好評!東京WSのお知らせ】★ NADIA Bellydance Workshop in Tokyo 2018


東京は表参道にあるベリーダンススタジオ、Ruhani Belly Dance Artsさんにて、ナディアによるベリーダンスのワークショップ開催が決定致しました。主宰のNourahさん、いつもありがとうございます。


NADIA Bellydance Workshop in Tokyo 2018
日時 : 12月23日(日)

■ WS⑴ 12:00-14:30 ベール振付 「Lama Baada Yatathana
■ WS⑵ 16:00-18:30 ファンベール振付「Reina De La Noche


WS(1) "Lama Baada Yatathana" - ベール振付

"Lama Baada Yatathana" (When she begins to sway) 、この曲はなんと西暦800年頃に作られた曲で、日本では奈良時代、平安時代の音楽なんですね。そんなにも昔からあるとは思えないほど耳馴染みの良い曲です。サマーイという10拍子のリズムにのせて踊りますが、繰り返しが多いので初心者の方にも踊りやすいシンプルな振付で教えます。モアシャハット(アンダルシアン)はバレエの基礎ともいわれる、優雅でしなやかな動きが特徴的な宮廷舞踊です。8~14世紀末、アラブ人がスペインのアンダルシア地方を統治していた時代にスペインやアラブの文化が融合したダンスと言われています。古代の音楽に酔いしれ、歌詞に登場する"彼女"とは、どんな美しい美女なのか、その魔性の美をさぐり、想像しながら一緒に踊ってみませんか?

"Lama Baada Yatathana" 歌詞より:「彼女が舞を始めた時、彼女の美しさが僕らを虜にした。彼女の舞の何かが、僕らの心を鷲掴みにするのさ。彼女が歩き始めると、途端に美しい。この苦悩、一体誰が和らげてくれるのか?この愛の苦しみを、美しの君以外に、一体誰が和らげてくれるのか?....」

WS(2) "Reina de la noche" - ファンベール振付

今年9月にシンガポールで開催されたベリーダンスの劇場公演 "A Night of Orient Vol.4"のフィナーレでの発表以来、ショーの依頼が殺到している大変人気の演目です。NADIAが最も得意とするベリーダンスプロップスの一つであるシルクファンベールを駆使して、燃え上がる炎のような情熱的でダイナミックなダンスを繰り広げます。 "Reina de la noche"は、「夜の女王 - Queen of the Night」という意味。このタイトルにふさわしく、凛として強く、妖艶で美しい"女王オーラ"を纏った表現をいれて踊りこんでいきましょう。ファンベールを上手に使いこなすテクニックや、踊りに仮面を取り入れる演出方法、クリエイティブでカッコイイ魅せ方の数々を伝授いたします。ショーで踊れば間違いなく盛り上がる一曲。是非ご参加くださいね!

NADIA Bellydance Workshop in Tokyo 2018
日時 : 12月23日(日)

■ WS⑴ 12:00-14:30 ベール振付 「Lama Baada Yatathana
■ WS⑵ 16:00-18:30 ファンベール振付「Reina De La Noche

料金:¥12000 (1ws) / ¥20000 (2ws package) 
会場:Ruhani Belly Dance Arts 

お申込み先 : 〔件名: ナディア ワークショップ〕

Ruhani Belly Dance Arts
〒150-0011東京都渋谷区神宮前3-36-17 3F
最寄駅 : 表参道駅 A2出口より徒歩8分・
明治神宮前駅 エレベータ口より徒歩7分
原宿駅 竹下口より徒歩10分・
外苑前駅 3番出口より徒歩8分
Tel : 050-7122-2802
Email :

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

【NEW Bellydance Lesson】★ Starting in October!

Dear all,

Thanks for waiting!! New Bellydance Lesson starts in October!

Those who are interested in bellydancing, even if feeling your body is not flexible or being totally inexperienced to this dance form, just come to experience the trial lesson first! ;)

Trial or Drop-in class is now OPEN for everyone from October.

Since choreography will be taught to be completed in 8 weeks, those who wish to learn choreography should come as weekly if possible. It will be the final term of 2018, so do not miss it! 

Also, please feel free to join the technique class which you can come any time. We will use all your fine muscles, muscles around the pelvis, legs to toes, arms and fingers, back, stomach, actually "everything" of your body,  to make your body that can dance and being strong. Appropriate and good sweat is applied. 

New choreography you can learn at this term is 3 songs below. Everything is a wonderful piece of music that will make me feel excited, every time I have a nice choreography without compromise. Please look forward to it! ! !

(Choreography 1) "Enta el Hob"  - Veil Choreography

I have been fascinated by the beauty of the song called "Enta El Hob" (You are my love), one of Um Kalthum's masterpieces, but for many years now, the time has come to dance. This song is already confirmed that Nadia will perform with live band at Tokyo Show in the end of this year, and in fact it is also a song that I was preparing and learning under ground in long time. I would like to deepen this beautiful song even more, with my beautiful choreography, and share it with my students. Please attend those who wish to study this beautiful number with me.

→ Sunday morning class · Monday morning class (Intermediate level) will be the subject to this song. People who do not have bellydancing experience much, please attend both technique class and choreography class. So that you can learn the choreography smoothly. 

(Choreography 2)"Bahiya- Arab Pop

"Bahiya" is the name for female. "The beauty appeared when the hijab (scarf) is unveiled, people are jealous when they look at you. Bahiya and Bahiya's eye, all the story is eyes of Bahiya.."  the lyrics singing our the song.
 In accordance with the voice and sound of Nadia's favorite Tony Mouzaik, I will teach you a nice choreography. It is one of the real joey of bellydancing to dance songs richly expressing emotions in to the 'tarab'. 

→ Monday evening class (intermediate level) will be the subject to this song. People who do not have bellydancing experience much, please attend both technique class and choreography class. So that you can learn the choreography smoothly. 

(Choreography 3)
"Lama Baada Yatathana"  - Veil Choreography

"Lama Baada Yatathana" (When she starts to sway), this song was composed in around the 8th century. I will dance to the rhythm called Samaay but since we have a lot of repetitions, I will teach it with simple choreography that makes it easy for beginners' students to dance. Why don't we dance together while imagining what kind of beauty that "SHE" appeared in the lyrics to captivate the people in this song, how do we "dance" like her? Let's try!! ;)

From the lyrics Lama Baada Yatathana : "When she starts to sway ( "sway" is meaning of walking tightly in this lyrics) her beauty captivated us. My beloved is mesmerizing, and although I would sacrifice my soul for her, is she willing to love me back? She imprisoned me in a garden beyond mountains by the way she looks at me, She seemed like a proud tree branch that leans towards its roots after hearing love songs, and achieving richness. I am dazzled by my promises and my confusions, I have no one to ask for mercy, but you, you .. the queen of love." 

→ Wednesday evening class・Thursday morning class (beginner level) will be the subject to this song.


Lesson Schedule

Lesson start date: October 7th (Sunday) / 8th (Monday) / 10th (Wednesday) / 11th (Thu) start! 

★ Remark 1: Hafla will be held on Sunday, December 9. Performance Entry will be starting soon! 
★ Remark 2: The last lesson of this term is scheduled to end on Thursday, December 6 
★ Remark 3: From 11th to 15th November, lessons will be canceled due to instructor's leave

【The 4th term of the year 2018】2018 October to December 

■ Sunday 10:30 - 11:30 (60min) :Technique Class: Level ★☆☆☆☆
■ Sunday 11:30 - 13:00 (90min) :Choreography Class "Enta El Hob : Level ★★★☆☆

■ Monday 10:30 - 11:30 (60min) :Technique Class: Level ★☆☆☆☆
■ Monday 11:30 - 13:00 (90min) :Choreography Class "Enta El Hob : Level ★★★☆☆

■ Monday 19:00 - 20:00 (60min) :Technique Class: Level ★☆☆☆☆ 
■ Monday 20:00 - 21:30 (90min) :Choreography Class "Bahiya" : Level ★★★☆☆

■ Wednesday 19:30 - 21:00 (90min) :Technique & Choreography Class "Lama Baada Yatathana: Level ★☆☆☆☆

■ Thursday 10:30 - 12:00 (60min) :Technique & Choreography Class "Lama Baada Yatathana: Level ★☆☆☆☆

→ "Mama Bellydance" students can bring baby 

+ + + + + + + + + + + +

In technique classes, we build the foundation for strengthen the body to dance. We are starting with basic attitude as a dancer, arranging the trunk of the fingertips and neck, shoulder and waist, discovering the axis of the body, and instructing them to maintain a stable posture. By keeping continuing every week surely the muscular strength will go up. Practice to move the pelvis to the correct position, using the muscles around the hip joint and the abdominal muscles (abdominal oblique muscle, abdominal transverse muscles, rectus abdominis muscles) etc. to isolate various body parts. Practice of hip work, especially because it moves inner thigh well, the flow of lymph around the hip joint is improved, the balance of female hormones is adjusted, leading to menstrual imbalances and PMS improvement as well. Belly dance is a gentle movement that does not burden the body, so you can dance with confidence as women of a wide range of age groups. Of course, those who want to refine the foundation for dancing choreography, as well as those who are new to exercise (& after a long time), those who want to move their bodies as pregnant women and as exercises after childbirth. As a rule of thumb you can participate in pregnancy until around 8 months of pregnancy and after delivery for 2 months or later, but please be sure to obtain permission of exercise OK from your doctor in charge. Shoes are unnecessary as we dance barefoot. Do not forget to bring a water bottle as it sweats. 

In choreography classes,  we introduce various tips to dance fascinating dance. Every time a new term starts I am teaching the latest choreography. Since I rarely teach old choreography repeatedly, please do not miss the chance of attending a regular class. (Regarding the old choreography, I teach in private lessons and workshops only if there is a request). I am instructing the work to be completed in 8 to 10 weeks. Share the points of the routine for dancing belly dance choreographies, how to use props (veils, asaya, etc.) and drills, study instruments and rhythms used in songs, points of expression and attraction too. At the end of the lesson, we will complete the lesson with exercise of core strength & stretching all the muscles incorporates yoga methods and relaxing in mind and body. Please bring a yoga mat or a bath towel to the class. Shoes are unnecessary as we dance barefoot. Do not forget to wear a water bottle as it sweats. Regarding choreography classes, we ask students to start taking classes within 2 to 3 weeks from the start of the term. After that, we may refuse admission.

Venue: Raffles Town Club, Harmony Studio

+ + + + + + + + + + + +
* Choreography class will be completed in 8 to 9 weeks in total.
* As for choreography class, please try to make attendance of 80% at least in order to deepen understanding (If there are a lot of absences, we will consider to arrange the follow up class)
* The basic routine to be learned in the technique class is used in the form applied in the choreography class. If you take both classes, you will gain a better understanding.
* Lesson fee is done by tickets. Please purchase $ 250.00 (10 hours / 3 months valid) at reception. Tickets can be used in any class where I teach.
* Payment can be done at the reception by cash, credit card and NETS.
* Raffles Town Club administrative fee $ 50.00 is required for new students. Some facilities of RTC can be used, and benefits such as participation in school events are available after being a membership.
* Trial & drop-in is possible at any time at $ 30.00 (60 minutes class) · $ 45.00 (90 minutes class).
* Please participate the class with exercise attire. Shoes are unnecessary as we dance barefoot. Dressing room · locker · shower room are equipped. Please bring a bath towel to use with stretch at the end of class (free rental available at RTC).
* Be sure to show your dance card at reception desk before entering the studio. Please also sign the IN - OUT on the attendance sheet.

The capacity for lesson participants is only about 14 pax. As soon as we reach the capacity, we will close the registration.

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REGISTER (October - December)

■ Name:

■ Telephone number:

■ Email address:

■ Lesson:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me.
I am looking forward to sharing the new dance with all of you! :)


"A Night of Orient" Bellydance Show :

DANCE is the hidden language of the soul. 

Sunday, September 30, 2018

【ベリーダンスレッスン ★ 2018年第4ターム】10月よりスタート!

(English Information will be up shortly!)





(振付1) "Enta el Hob"  - ベール振付

ウムクルースムの名曲の一つ、"Enta El Hob" (You are my love) と言う楽曲の美しさに魅了されてもう何年もたちますが、ようやく踊る時が来ました。この曲は今年の年末に、東京でのショーで生演奏で踊ることが決まっていて、実は去年からせっせと水面下で準備を進めていた曲でもあります。この美しい楽曲を深め、美しい振付をつけて、生徒さんにもシェアしたいと思います。

→ 日曜朝クラス・月曜朝クラス(中級レベル)での課題曲となります。ベリーダンス経験の浅い方、ファンベール振付が初めての方は、付属の基礎クラスも受講頂くとスムーズに学べます。

 "Bahiya" - アラブポップス

"Bahiya" とは女の子の名前。「ヒジャブ(スカーフ)を取るとあらわになったその美貌、皆が嫉妬するような美しさ。Bahiyaの美しい瞳、それらは全てを語る・・・」と言う歌い出しの楽曲。ナディアが大好きなTony Mouzaikの声とサウンドに合わせて、妖艶でカッコイイ振付を教えます。感情表現豊かに歌モノを踊るのはベリーダンスを踊る醍醐味の一つですね。

→ 月曜夜クラス(中級レベル)での課題曲となります。ベリーダンス経験の浅い方、ベール振付が初めての方は、付属されている基礎クラスも受講頂くとスムーズに学べます。

"Lama Baada Yatathana"  - ベール振付
"Lama Baada Yatathana" (When she starts to sway) 、この曲はなんと西暦800年頃に作られた曲で、日本では奈良時代、平安時代の音楽なんですね。そんなにも昔からあるとは思えないほど耳馴染みの良い曲です。サマーイというリズムにのせて踊りますが、繰り返しが多いので初心者の方にも踊りやすいシンプルな振付で教えます。古代の音楽に酔いしれ、歌詞に登場する"彼女"とは、どんな美しい美女なのか、その魔性の美をさぐり、想像しながら一緒に踊ってみませんか?

"Lama Baada Yatathana" 歌詞より:「彼女が舞っていた時(舞はダンスではなくて、しなりながら歩いている様子)彼女の美しさが僕らを虜にした。彼女の舞の何かが、僕らの心を鷲掴みにするのさ。彼女が歩き始めると、途端に美しい。この苦悩、一体誰が和らげてくれるのか?この愛の苦しみを、美しの君以外に、一体誰が和らげてくれるのか?....」



レッスン開始日:2018年10月7日(日) / 8日(月) / 10日(水) / 11日(木) スタート!

★ 備考 1:12月9日(日)に年末ハフラ開催!まもなくエントリー開始!
★ 備考 2:今タームの最終レッスンは12月6日(木)に終了予定 /  次回タームは年始1月より。
★ 備考 3:11月11〜15日は講師の都合によりレッスン休講 


■ 日曜 10:30 - 11:30 (60min) :基礎クラス: 難易度★☆☆☆☆
■ 日曜 11:30 - 13:00 (90min) :振付クラス "Enta El Hob"  : 難易度★★★☆☆

■ 月曜 10:30 - 11:30 (60min) :基礎クラス: 難易度★☆☆☆☆
■ 月曜 11:30 - 13:00 (90min) :振付クラス "Enta El Hob : 難易度★★★☆☆

■ 月曜 19:00 - 20:00 (60min) :基礎クラス: 難易度★☆☆☆☆
■ 月曜 20:00 - 21:30 (90min) :振付クラス "Bahiya" : 難易度★★★☆☆

■ 水曜 19:30 - 21:00 (90min) :基礎 & 振付クラス "Lama Baada Yatathana: 難易度★☆☆☆☆

■ 木曜 10:30 - 12:00 (60min) :基礎 & 振付クラス  "Lama Baada Yatathana: 難易度★☆☆☆☆



レッスン会場: Raffles Town Club, Harmony Studio


Raffles Town Club受付(2階 GYM Reception)にてダンスチケットをご購入ください。$250.00で60分クラス10回分、90分クラスは6.5回分です。また初回のみメンバー入会手数料$50.00がかかります。メンバー料金にはRaffles Town Clubの施設(スタジオ・ロッカールーム・シャワールーム・サウナ・プール・カフェテリア)の使用料が含まれます。また、体験レッスン・ドロップインでご参加ご希望の方は、60分クラス$30.00 /90分クラス$45.00で受講頂けます。





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■ お名前:

■ お電話番号:

■ Email address:

■ 希望レッスン:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Wednesday, August 29, 2018

【Event Annoucement】★ "A Night of Orient" Vol.4 - 9/23(sun) 17:00-19:00

Hello, this is Nadia!!

Time flies! August is almost over. How did you spend your holiday?

In August, I was in Taiwan and performed at the bellydance festival's gala show with live performances by Egyptian orchestra, then I charged a lot of energy. Of course, I will share it with you at the lesson, but first of all I want to deliver the "heat" to the spectators from the stage with a bellydance performance in September, very enthusiastic!

September 23 (Sun),  "A Night of Orient Vol.4 " will be unveiled to restore for the first time in two years!

This time, it is so amazing!!

Perhaps the first time ever in Asia, the collaboration of Japanese drum (taiko) and Bellydance will be come true. A director of the popular Japanese taiko production "Hibikiya", NAMIKO who is famous as a Japanese taiko artist will be invited to perform as the guest artist, and her Japanese drum live performance and one of the best NADIA's choreography "Matsuri"(by Kitaro) in collaboration, we will be so much honor to commence the show with this beautiful song. I absolutely want you to watch this on live. It is very different from what you see in the video or Youtube. Especially when it comes to live music, the way the sound resonates when it resonates in your heart through the air. I think that it will definitely be something special, in touch to your heart.  I would like you to see it at the venue and feel it. The sound of 'WA"(Japan) released here in Singapore and the dance that expresses that soul!

In addition, we can not miss the program by NOURAH, the guest artist from Tokyo. She is regurarly invited as a teacher and dancer to the Turkish Belly Dance Festival every year and is an international artist. As a main dancer of BabaZura, a popular band in Turkey, she has also performed in various places in Europe and gained popularity. She own the studio "Ruhani Bellydance Arts" in Tokyo Omotesando and is active as a centerpiece of the Tokyo's bellydance scene. A miracle stage that the fusion work based on her latest work "Japanese fusion" on Owara Traditional Dance and bellydance's Tribal style can be seen here in Singapore! Everyone, please do not miss it!

Following the above, one of my students, ANNA won the spectacular victory in the professional category at the Asia Global Belly Dance Competition held in Singapore this June, then won the second place in the professional category in the competition in Taiwan in August. We will be looking forward to showing her champion choreography "HAYATI", and her new work, the modern ballady. She is gaining momentum and delivering beautiful energy, she has earned reputation from many overseas masters too!

This year, all the performers are fired and there are many beautiful solo performances, and you can see a variety of shows of duo and troupes that all NADIA supervised. Let me say that, there is no compromise at all! ;) 

I understand everyone is busy, however, please try to make yourself free on the day, come with your family and friends on September 23 (Sun)! Children is charged only half price, babies on knees are free.
For tickets, please contact me or the performers or purchase at the GYM reception desk at Raffles Town Club.

"A Night of Orient " オリエンタルの夜に - Vol.4 
Artistic Bellydance Theatre Show Singapore - Organized by NADIA Bellydance Entertainment

Date : Sunday 23 September 2018
Time : 17:00 - 19:00 (16:30 door open)
Venue : Goodman Arts Centre Black Box 
Address : Block M #01-53, 90 Goodman Rd, Singapore 439053
Ticket : $50.00 for Adult, $25.00 for Child, Free for Baby
Inquiry :
Performance by : Samia, Anna, Tomoko, Kurenai, Freesia, Takiko, 
Linda, Jessica, Rie, Kaoru, Yuriko, Natsuki, Yuuri, NOURAH, NAMIKO, NADIA

See you all there!! ;)


【Event 告知】★ "A Night of Orient - オリエンタルの夜に" Vol.4 開催 - 9/23(sun) 17:00より



9月23日(日)!いよいよ2年ぶりに復活する「オリエンタルの夜に - "A Night of Orient " Vol.4」の幕開けです!


おそらくアジア初となる和太鼓とベリーダンスの夢の競演が叶います。あの有名な人気和太鼓プロダクション「響屋」の代表であり、和太鼓アーティストとして活躍中のNAMIKOさんをゲストに迎え、彼女の和太鼓生演奏と、NADIA作品の代表作である「響宴 - Matsuri」のコラボレーションで、ショーのオープニングを豪華に飾ります。これは絶対に、生で観ていただきたい。映像で見るのとは格段に異なります。特に生演奏となると、空気を通って皆様の心に響く際の、音の響き方が異なります。間違いなく感動的な作品になることと思いますので、当日会場でそれを観て、感じていただきたいです。ここシンガポールで発信される、「和」のサウンドと、その魂を表現した舞を!

また今回、東京から遥々来星し出演してくださるゲストアーティスト、NOURAHさんによる演目も見逃せません。彼女は毎年トルコのベリーダンスフェスティバルに講師兼ダンサーとして招かれ、国際的に活躍されるアーティスト。トルコで人気のバンド、ババズーラのメインダンサーとしてヨーロッパ各地でも公演し、人気を博しています。東京表参道でスタジオ「Ruhani Bellydance Arts」を主宰し、東京のベリーダンスシーンの中心的存在として活躍中です。そんな彼女による「和」をモチーフにした最新作品 "おわら風の盆" とベリーダンストライバルスタイルによるフュージョン作品が、なんとここシンガポールで観れるという奇跡のステージ!皆様、どうぞ見逃さないでくさい!




チケットについては、私か出演者にご連絡くださるか、またはRaffles Town ClubのGYM受付でも購入可能です。

"A Night of Orient " オリエンタルの夜に - Vol.4 

Artistic Bellydance Theatre Show Singapore - Organized by NADIA Bellydance Entertainment

Date : Sunday 23 September 2018
Time : 17:00 - 19:00 (16:30 door open)
Venue : Goodman Arts Centre Black Box 
Address : Block M #01-53, 90 Goodman Rd, Singapore 439053

Ticket : $50.00 for Adult, $25.00 for Child, Free for Baby
Inquiry :

Performance by : Samia, Anna, Tomoko, Kurenai, Freesia, Takiko, Linda, Jessica, Rie, Kaoru, Yuriko, Natsuki, Yuuri, NOURAH, NAMIKO, NADIA



DANCE is the hidden language of the soul. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

【NADIA Bellydance Lesson ★ 2018 Term 3 】Starting on 10th June!

Dear all,

Hello! ★ This Nadia.

It's June! The second half of 2018!!
Have you realized your goals or dream lists that you set up at the beginning of the year? Let's update it from time to time!

Well, I kept you waiting very much. Let me inform you the details of the new terms which will start on June 10.
New choreography you can learn at term now is 3 songs below.

(Choreography 1)  "Reina de la noche" - Fanveils choreography
This is the latest silk fantails choreography that will be the first time in 4 years since the "Matsuri" created in 2014. Silk fanveils is one of the best props that Nadia uses. I would like to practice exactly from the foundation, how to hold them, how to open them, and how to fascinate your dance with them. It was my encouragement to choreograph the fantails item for a long time since I came across this supernatural cool sound source, "Reina de la noche" (A Queen of the Night), I listen to this song and got inspiration in a moment because this is so hot!! I'd like to add a fascinating choreography to this song where Latin taste was added to Oriental. I would like to dance with an image like a "black rose blooming at night" with some thorns in plenty of sharpness spirits in dance! This is definitely my favorite tastes, I am sure you will love it too! ;)

→ Sunday morning class · Monday morning class (Intermediate level) 
Those who are not experienced bellydance, those who are new to choreography with fanveils, you can learn smoothly by taking the technique classes as well.

(Choreography 2) "Gawaher"  - Oriental choreography (Silk Veil) 
Since my first creation of choreography in 2013 and performance in 2015, I will teach this one and only popular choreography "Gawaher" on Monday evening class! I am so excited because I have received so many request to teach at WS or Private Lessons, but now I share with you at regular class. I rarely repeat the work and teach the same choreography, but it is too wasteful to complete this wonderful song and never teach again? So, I'd like to dance while mixing the original and the new routine as the 2018 version. We also share Nadia's specialty spin (with Silk Veil), the solo dance technique on a big stage, and the arrangements of dancers and duo, and the students will dance on recital, hafra, competition etc on a big stage. As you can have, I would like to share plenty of attractions and tips on the stage as an oriental dancer. Let's dance coolly Oriental, coolly and modernly! Do not miss this opportunity! (If you miss it, you have to wait another 4 years again to learn it!? Haha)

→ Monday evening class (Intermediate level) 
Those who are not experienced bellydance, those who are new to choreography with veil, you can learn smoothly by taking the technique classes as well. 

(Choreography 3) "Luxor Baladna"  - Saidi Choreography (Assaya)
Listening to this sound will revive the memories of South Egypt where I traveled in 2007. From Cairo to the south, a gently flowing Nile river goes upstream with a cruiser and stopped by a town named Luxor on a journey to the Aswan region. The ruins of the ancient city of Thebes of Egypt spread throughout the town. The scent of spice, the hot heat that springs up from the land. Saidi is a word pointing to those things (people or things) came from the southern region of Egypt (Upper - Egypt) including Luxor.

This time's theme song "Luxor Baladna" (Luxor is my home) is symbolizing the lively timbre reminiscent of the bright and rough men in southern Egypt usging Asaya (cane) which has sometimes the mysterious power with the rhythm of Saidii.
Since its many repetitions, I will welcome all level especially for beginners, or even intermediate students who wish to study Saidii more. We will use Asaya, but this time I will not swing round and round, use it like framing, will be a lesson specialized for carving rhythm. Please bring Asaya if you have. We will rent to those who do not. (Dancing with Asaya for reference →  2015 Recital)

→ Wednesday Evening class & Thursday Morning class (Beginners) will be the subject song. 

 "Luxor Baladna" Lyrics :「Luxor Baladna, Thebes our home, wherein Egyptians find their souls, where every temple, an' every dome, echos the ancient prayer calls, do not forget me...」


Lesson Schedule

Date of the term start : 2018 June 10th (sun) / 11th (mon) / 13th (wed) / 14th (thu) starts.

【2018 Term 3】2018 June - August 

■ Sundays 10:30 - 11:30 (60min) :Technique Class: Level ★☆☆☆☆
■ Sundays 11:30 - 13:00 (90min) :Choreography "Reina de la noche" : Level ★★★☆☆

■ Mondays 10:30 - 11:30 (60min) :Technique Class: Level ★☆☆☆☆
■ Mondays 11:30 - 13:00 (90min) :Choreography "Reina de la noche" : Level ★★★☆☆

■ Mondays  19:00 - 20:00 (60min) :Technique Class: Level ★☆☆☆☆
■ Mondays  20:00 - 21:30 (90min) :Choreography "Gawaher" : Level ★★★☆☆

■ Wednesdays  19:30 - 21:00 (90min) :Technique Class "Luxor Baladna": Level ★☆☆☆☆

■ Thursdays  10:30 - 12:00 (60min) :Technique & Choreography Class  "Luxor Baladna": Level ★☆☆☆☆ 
→ Mommies are welcome! You can bring babies!! :)

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In technique classes, we build the foundation for strengthen the body to dance. We are starting with basic attitude as a dancer, arranging the trunk of the fingertips and neck, shoulder and waist, discovering the axis of the body, and instructing them to maintain a stable posture. By keeping continuing every week surely the muscular strength will go up. Practice to move the pelvis to the correct position, using the muscles around the hip joint and the abdominal muscles (abdominal oblique muscle, abdominal transverse muscles, rectus abdominis muscles) etc. to isolate various body parts. Practice of hip work, especially because it moves inner thigh well, the flow of lymph around the hip joint is improved, the balance of female hormones is adjusted, leading to menstrual imbalances and PMS improvement as well. Belly dance is a gentle movement that does not burden the body, so you can dance with confidence as women of a wide range of age groups. Of course, those who want to refine the foundation for dancing choreography, as well as those who are new to exercise (& after a long time), those who want to move their bodies as pregnant women and as exercises after childbirth. As a rule of thumb you can participate in pregnancy until around 8 months of pregnancy and after delivery for 2 months or later, but please be sure to obtain permission of exercise OK from your doctor in charge. Shoes are unnecessary as we dance barefoot. Do not forget to bring a water bottle as it sweats. 

In choreography classes,  we introduce various tips to dance fascinating dance. Every time a new term starts I am teaching the latest choreography. Since I rarely teach old choreography repeatedly, please do not miss the chance of attending a regular class. (Regarding the old choreography, I teach in private lessons and workshops only if there is a request). I am instructing the work to be completed in 8 to 10 weeks. Share the points of the routine for dancing belly dance choreographies, how to use props (veils, asaya, etc.) and drills, study instruments and rhythms used in songs, points of expression and attraction too. At the end of the lesson, we will complete the lesson with exercise of core strength & stretching all the muscles incorporates yoga methods and relaxing in mind and body. Please bring a yoga mat or a bath towel to the class. Shoes are unnecessary as we dance barefoot. Do not forget to wear a water bottle as it sweats. Regarding choreography classes, we ask students to start taking classes within 2 to 3 weeks from the start of the term. After that, we may refuse admission.

Venue: Raffles Town Club, Harmony Studio

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* Choreography class will be completed in 8 to 9 weeks in total.
* As for choreography class, please try to make attendance of 80% at least in order to deepen understanding (If there are a lot of absences, we will consider to arrange the follow up class)
* The basic routine to be learned in the technique class is used in the form applied in the choreography class. If you take both classes, you will gain a better understanding.
* Lesson fee is done by tickets. Please purchase $ 250.00 (10 hours / 3 months valid) at reception. Tickets can be used in any class where I teach.
* Payment can be done at the reception by cash, credit card and NETS.
* Raffles Town Club administrative fee $ 50.00 is required for new students. Some facilities of RTC can be used, and benefits such as participation in school events are available after being a membership.
* Trial & drop-in is possible at any time at $ 30.00 (60 minutes class) · $ 45.00 (90 minutes class).
* Please participate the class with exercise attire. Shoes are unnecessary as we dance barefoot. Dressing room · locker · shower room are equipped. Please bring a bath towel to use with stretch at the end of class (free rental available at RTC).
* Be sure to show your dance card at reception desk before entering the studio. Please also sign the IN - OUT on the attendance sheet.

Those who wish to participate the class, if you reply me by Saturday 31st March, I will send you audio shortly.

The capacity for lesson participants is only about 14 pax. As soon as we reach the capacity, we will close the registration.

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REGISTER (April - June)

■ Name:

■ Telephone number:

■ Email address:

■ Lesson:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me.
I am looking forward to sharing the new dance with all of you! :)


"A Night of Orient" Bellydance Show :

DANCE is the hidden language of the soul. 

Monday, June 4, 2018

【ベリーダンスレッスン ★ 2018年第3ターム】6月10日よりスタート!




(振付1) "Reina de la noche" - ファンベール振付

2014年に創作した「饗宴 -  Matsuri」以来、なんと4年ぶりになる新作シルクファンベール振付です。ナディアが最も得意とするプロップスの一つでもあるシルクファンベール!持ち方・開き方・魅せ方に至るまで基礎からみっちり練習したいと思います。久しぶりにファンベールを振付したいと言う気持ちにさせてくれたのは、この超絶カッコイイ音源、 "Reina de la noche" (夜の女王 - A Queen of the Night)に出会い、聴いて一瞬でインスピレーションが湧いたから!!!オリエンタルに少しラテンテイストが加わったこの曲に、妖艶な振付を加えたいと思います。切れ味たっぷり、ピリッと棘のある、"夜に咲く黒いバラ?"のようなイメージで踊りたいと思います。ナディアが得意とするテイストですよ♪ 笑。是非おつきあい下さい!

→ 日曜朝クラス・月曜朝クラス(中級レベル)での課題曲となります。ベリーダンス経験の浅い方、ファンベール振付が初めての方は、付属の基礎クラスも受講頂くとスムーズに学べます。

(振付2)"Gawaher"  - オリエンタル振付(ベール)

2015年に創作、作品を発表して以来、WSや個人レッスンでの指導リクエストが殺到する人気振付「Gawaher」をリバイバルで、月曜夜クラスで教えます!作品をリピートして教えることはめったにないのですが、この素晴らしい曲を完結してしまうのはあまりにもったいなく、2018年バージョンとしてオリジナルと新ルーティンをミックスしながら踊り込みをしていきたいと思います。ナディアが得意とするスーパースピン(with シルクベール)や、大きな舞台でソロで踊る際のテクニック、そして群舞やデュオのアレンジなどもシェアし、受講者には今後リサイタルやハフラ、コンペなど大きな舞台で踊ってもらえるように、オリエンタルダンサーとしての舞台での魅せ方・ティップスをたっぷりとシェアしたいと思います。王道のオリエンタルを、かっこよくモダンに踊り切りましょうね!是非この機会をお見逃しなく!(逃すと次に教えるのはまた4年後とかかもしれませんよ?笑)

→ 月曜夜クラス(中級レベル)での課題曲となります。ベリーダンス経験の浅い方、ベール振付が初めての方は、付属されている基礎クラスも受講頂くとスムーズに学べます。

(振付3)"Luxor Baladna"  - サイーディ振付(アサヤ)

このサウンドを聴くと、2007年に旅をした南エジプトでの記憶が蘇ります。カイロから南へ、穏やかに流れるナイル川を船で上流へ向かい、1週間ほどかけてアスワン地方までたどり着く旅の途中、ルクソールという町に立ち寄りました。エジプトの古代都市テーベの遺跡が町中に広がっていました。カラッとした空気に、スパイスの香り、土地から湧き上がる熱い熱気。ルクソールを含めるエジプトの南部地方(アッパー・エジプト)から来た人々、ものを指す言葉がサイーディです。今回の課題曲 "Luxor Baladna" (故郷ルクソール - Luxor is my home)は、南エジプトの明るくそして荒々しい男達を思わせるにぎやかしい音色と、時には神秘的な力をも象徴するアサヤ(杖)を使った踊りを、サイーディリズムで踊ります。繰り返しの多い振付になりますので、初心者から中級者まで、サイーディが初めての方にも、それを見直したい方にも幅広くご参加いただけるような内容です。エジプトの大地と砂埃の中で繰り広げられる祭りの中に飛び込んだかのようなフィーリングで、一曲を通して、一緒に旅をしてみませんか?アサヤを使用しますが、今回はぐるぐる振り回さず、フレーミングように使用し、リズムを刻むことに特化したレッスンに致します。アサヤをお持ちの方はご持参ください。ない方にはレンタル致します。(アサヤを使った踊りご参考までに→ 2015年の発表会の映像す)

→ 水曜夜クラス、木曜朝クラス(初級〜中級レベル)の課題曲となります。ベリーダンス経験の浅い方、サイーディ振付が初めての方は、毎週休まずに出席して頂きたいです。なるべく間を空けずに続けて学ぶことで、体がリズムを覚え、筋力がアップし、踊るスキルが身についていきます。

 "Luxor Baladna" 歌詞より:「Luxor Baladna, Thebes our home, wherein Egyptians find their souls, where every temple, an' every dome, echos the ancient prayer calls, do not forget me...」



レッスン開始日: 2018年6月10日(日) / 11日(月) / 13日(水) / 14日(木) スタート!


■ 日曜 10:30 - 11:30 (60min) :基礎クラス: 難易度★☆☆☆☆
■ 日曜 11:30 - 13:00 (90min) :振付クラス "Reina de la noche" : 難易度★★★☆☆

■ 月曜 10:30 - 11:30 (60min) :基礎クラス: 難易度★☆☆☆☆
■ 月曜 11:30 - 13:00 (90min) :振付クラス "Reina de la noche" : 難易度★★★☆☆

■ 月曜 19:00 - 20:00 (60min) :基礎クラス: 難易度★☆☆☆☆
■ 月曜 20:00 - 21:30 (90min) :振付クラス "Gawaher" : 難易度★★★☆☆

■ 水曜 19:30 - 21:00 (90min) :基礎 & 振付クラス "Luxor Baladna": 難易度★☆☆☆☆

■ 木曜 10:30 - 12:00 (60min) :基礎 & 振付クラス  "Luxor Baladna": 難易度★☆☆☆☆



レッスン会場: Raffles Town Club, Harmony Studio


Raffles Town Club受付(2階 GYM Reception)にてダンスチケットをご購入ください。$250.00で60分クラス10回分、90分クラスは6.5回分です。また初回のみメンバー入会手数料$50.00がかかります。メンバー料金にはRaffles Town Clubの施設(スタジオ・ロッカールーム・シャワールーム・サウナ・プール・カフェテリア)の使用料が含まれます。また、体験レッスン・ドロップインでご参加ご希望の方は、60分クラス$30.00 /90分クラス$45.00で受講頂けます。





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■ お名前:

■ お電話番号:

■ Email address:

■ 希望レッスン:

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