Wednesday, March 3, 2021

【NADIA ONLINE】★ "RANKA" shooting performance project


Hello! ★ This is Nadia.

The Japanese fusion dance "Ranka" that we learned in the first term (January / February) of 2021, the choreography has just completed. Why don't we perform "Ranka" and visualise this art work by video shooting of our performance, and publish on NADIA ONLINE's Instagram and YouTube? 

The theme is "prayer".

Originally inspired by the famous myths that appear in Kojiki, this work was selected and choreographed by Nadia. Would you like to dance with your prayer and visualized this art works and publish to the world?

As a project flow,

① Start application (2 slots for online recruitment and offline recruitment)
② Team formation
③ Rehearsal lesson
④ Costume decision
⑤ Costume rehearsals
⑥ Shooting (specify the venue)
⑦ Video submission
⑧ Video editing (produced at NOA PRODUCTION)
⑨ Work release (released on Youtube, Instagram IGTV, etc.)

Nadia will supervise all the works.

We will focus on the points such as direction guidance, formation decision, detailed expression method, etc. We will share all of the dance as an artist to those who want to see the world view of "Ranka" beyond the choreography.

Please let us know if you would like to try it.

I would like to fully practice the above contents, which I usually teach in private lessons, in the performance class (rehearsal lesson). I want to deliver the same content online and offline, so I think I'll be more enthusiastic about teaching. The lessons are not hybrid and are completely on/offline. 

Details are as follows.


"Ranka" shooting performance project

[OFFLINE - application details]
Shooting date: May 2nd (Sun) 15:00-19:00
 Shooting venue: Goodman Arts Black Box Theatre
 Participation fee: $150 (as venue fee, shooting fee, video editing fee)
 Team formation: Determined after the members are confirmed

 Rehearsal Lessons: Every Saturday 14:00-16:00 @Raffles Town Club
 Rehearsal Lessons dates : 3/13, 20, 27, 4/3,10,17, 24, 5/1
→ From the above, we decide the day when all the members will be together
→ At least 4 sessions will be set for rehearsal lessons.

 Lessons fee: RTC dance card (not eligible for Hybrid promotion)
 Eligibility: March NADIA ONLINE members who have completed the "Ranka" choreography term (including video members)

 How to appy: Send the form below to
→ Please set the email title to [Ranka Project Application]

 Entry deadline: March 10 (Wed)

* After the entry deadline, team up and create a group chat. We will discuss costumes and concepts there. We will set up a ZOOM meeting as needed and create one work while communicating with each other. We aim to rehearse from March to April, shoot in early May, and release the work at the end of May. For those who cannot participate in all the lessons due to some reasons but are interested in participating, we will arrange the appearance as a member, for example, by participating only in the fan veil part or only in the silk veil part. This can be arranged too! :)

* Solo/duo is not accepted for this time. Only group dances of 3 or more. This is because I want you to meet new friends who you have never had a conversation with and create a new network between the members in the group.

* When launching group chats and ZOOM meetings, Nadia will also participate if necessary. We would like to hear your innovative ideas and exchange a lot of inspiration and opinions.

[ONLINE - application details]
Shooting date and time: 2nd May (sun) or early of May
 Shooting venue: Dance studio / event rental space (black background is better)
 Participation fee: $100 (as a video editing fee)
 Team formation: Determined after the members are confirmed
(Example: Team Tokyo → Tokyo area residents gathered, lessons will be online, production will be offline
(Example: Team GLOBAL → Any places you are from, all get in a group that organizes the lessons and productions completely online

 Rehearsal Lessons: Every Saturday 10:00-12:00 @ZOOM
 Rehearsal Lessons dates : 3/13, 20, 27, 4/3,10,17, 24, 5/1
→ From the above, we decide the day when all the members will be together
→ At least 4 sessions will be set for rehearsal lessons

 Lessons fee: $50 / per session (2hours)
 Eligibility: March NADIA ONLINE members who have completed the "Ranka" choreography term (including video members)

 How to appy: Send the form below to
→ Please set the email title to [Ranka Project Application]

 Entry deadline: March 10 (Wed)

 Other / Notes
* After the entry deadline, team up and create a group chat. We will discuss costumes and concepts there. We will set up a ZOOM meeting as needed and create one work while communicating with each other. We aim to rehearse from March to April, shoot in early May, and release the work at the end of May. For those who cannot participate in all the lessons due to some reasons but are interested in participating, we will arrange the appearance as a member, for example, by participating only in the fan veil part or only in the silk veil part. This can be arranged too! :)

* Solo/duo is not accepted for this time. Only group dances of 3 or more. This is because I want you to meet new friends who you have never had a conversation with and create a new network between the members in the group.

* When launching group chats and ZOOM meetings, Nadia will also participate if necessary. We would like to hear your innovative ideas and exchange a lot of inspiration and opinions.

★ Entry form ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
Entry form

Participant name (in full name and alphabetical notation)
Full Name: _______________

■ Dancer name (in alphabetical and Japanese notation)
Dancer Name: ______________

■ Instagram user name (link will be posted when the video is released)
IG username: ________________

■ Place of residence (state the country / city name)
City you live: ________________

■ Requested slot (offline or online)
Offline? Or Online?

■ Rehearsal dates (4 or more can be selected from the following)
3/13, 20, 27, 4/3,10,17, 24, 5/1
Performance class date _______________________

■ Others / Questions 
Question: ________________________________


If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to let us know.

I am so much excited about this project. Look forward to your application.
Thank you:)


NADIA Bellydance Entertainment & School, Singapore

【NADIA ONLINE】★「乱華」 - 映像化プロジェクト


2021年の第1ターム(1月・2月)に学んだ、和フュージョン作品「乱華」を、受講生の皆様と一緒に踊り、それを映像化して、NADIA ONLINEのインスタやYouTubeで配信していきたいと考えています。




⑨作品公開(Youtube, Instagram IGTVなどで公開)









【オフライン募集 詳細】
撮影会場:Goodman Arts Black Box Theatre
参加費:$150 (会場費・撮影代・動画編集代として)

お稽古:毎週土曜日14:00-16:00 @Raffles Town Club
→ 目安として最低4セッションはお稽古セッティングします

お稽古代:Raffles Town Clubのダンスカードを使用(Hybridプロモ対象外)
参加資格:3月NADIA ONLINEメンバーで「乱華」振付タームを修了されている方(動画会員含む)

エントリー方法:下記フォームを 宛に送付
→ メールタイトルを、[乱華・映像化プロジェクトエントリー]としてください


* エントリー締切後にチーム編成し、グループチャットを作ります。そちらで衣装やコンセプトの相談をしていきます。必要に応じてZOOMミーティングを立ち上げ、メンバー同士でコミュニケーションをはかりながら1作品を作り上げていきます。3〜4月にかけてお稽古、5月初旬撮影、5月末に作品公開を目指します。お仕事などの都合で、全お稽古には参加できないけれどご参加に興味のある方は、例えばファンベールのみに参加、または、シルクベールのみに参加、という形で、メンバーの一員として出演をアレンジすることもできます。

* 今回の募集はソロ・デュオは受け付けていません。3名以上の群舞のみとさせてください。普段会話をしたことのない「はじめまして」さんとの出会いや、メンバー同士の新しいネットワーク作りにつなげたいからです。

* グループチャット、ZOOMミーティングを立ち上げる際は、必要に応じてナディアも参加させていただきます。皆様の斬新なアイディアをお聞きしたいし、たくさんのインスピレーション、意見交換をしていきましょう。

【オンライン募集 詳細】
参加費:$100 (動画編集代として)

お稽古:毎週土曜日10:00-12:00 @ZOOM
→ 上記の中からメンバー全員が揃う日を決定
→ 目安として最低4セッションはお稽古セッティングします

参加資格:3月NADIA ONLINEメンバーで「乱華」振付タームを修了されている方(動画会員含む)

エントリー方法:下記フォームを 宛に送付
→ メールタイトルを、[乱華・映像化プロジェクトエントリー]としてください





★ Entry form ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*

Full Name: _______________

Dancer Name: ______________

IG username: ________________

City you live : ________________

希望枠(オフライン or オンライン)
Offline?   or   Online?

Performance class date _______________________

Question : ________________________________





NADIA Bellydance Entertainment & School, Singapore

Monday, March 1, 2021

【NADIA ONLINE】★ Modern Khaleegy in March!


Hello everyone! ★

From January to February, we learned the Japanese fusion dance "RANKA" with fanveils. We will perform this choreography at the filming event in April, the details will be coming up soon. 

Stay tuned! :)

In March, we would like to return to the Arabia, and dance with the rhythm of Gulf, Khaleegy for the first time in a while. I chose a music that has an upbeat feel and is easy for even beginners to dance.

What is Khaleegy?
Let's get started from here.

"Khaleegy" the word itself means "Gulf" in Arabic and is a dance that is mainly performed in the Persian Gulf countries. Gulf dances include Iraqi styles (such as Dabke, Kauleia, Muashahat), Arda Barriya (male-only military style), and Naashat (famous hair dance).

There are many styles of Gulf dance in a nutshell, and it can be misleading if we don't dance after knowing what style we are dancing to. I would like to dance this theme song while clearing that as well.

When you dance Khaleegy, you don't wear bellydance's two-piece costume. The dancer wears a long taupe to hide her body, and while holding it forward, steps in and shakes her hair.

In the Gulf countries, local women dance at weddings and other social events, delicate and characterized by fun, vibrant and expressive gestures at happiness and celebration events. It is a dance with feminine expression.

When the COVID over, we would like to gather in large numbers to perform this dance with a festive mood. Until then, while keeping the number of people in the limited space of your home or studio, why don't you enjoy dancing as if you were enjoying this life as a woman?

By the way, as for the song to be used, I will use "Meshtaga Leek" sung by Nancy Ajram. We will proceed with the choreography with explanations of the lyrics spelled out in the sweet voice of Nancy, the Lebanese diva. .. A sound source will be sent to all the participants.

We will not use any tools for this lesson, but if you have Khaleegy dress, please bring it with you. Even if you don't have it, also be able to dance too. No worry! :)

As you know, ALL classes are back in the studio! Now, all classes are being held at the Harmony Studio in Raffles Town Club, at the same time, ONLINE classes are live streaming at the studio.

Since it is a hybrid class of online and offline, we have a special "hybrid promotion" for NADIA ONLINE students. You can take as many classes of the day as you like with one ticket. (Usually, 3 tickets are required for 3 classes)

New students and trial students are also welcome at all the time! :)

The fee will be $ 250 (additional admission fee of $ 50) for 10 hours, which is the same as before. $30 for trial/drop-in students for 60min.

Studio lessons are reserved for up to 8 people, so please let me know if you would like to join.

Due to popular demanding of NADIA ONLINE LESSON, we will continue to take as many lessons as you like for a fixed monthly fee. A 60-minute class is held three times a day, four days a week. Enjoy as many classes as you like from the 48 classes a month!

It is held four times a week, but even so, there are people who are extremely busy with work, have small children, and live on the other side of the globe (!), So it may be difficult for some people to take the course. .. For such people, we shoot an explanation video once a week and distribute it to all members. Please use it by all means! :) 

Also, for those who can not participate in the lesson but want to study NADIA's latest choreography with videos, we have set up a program called video membership from this year. Once a week, you will receive a video from Nadia, like a E-learning, and you can ask questions to her anytime. It is programmed to complete the choreography in two months. Like NADIA ONLINE members, video members will also receive benefits such as half-price online private lessons and participation in Hafla, etc... Please contact Nadia if you are interested.

Raffles Town Club, the venue for studio lessons, is a 2-minute walk from the MRT "STEVENS" subway station. It is a very convenient place, about 10 minutes by bus from Orchard Road. Upon admission, we will check your body temperature. The studio has been renovated during the CB, and it's a clean studio with thorough ventilation and cleaning, and let's dance freely with the new flooring!

You can use it in the changing room, shower room, sauna, break lounge, cafeteria, etc. A regular admission fee of $ 50 will be charged only for the first time, but currently NADIA ONLINE lesson students are exempt from the admission fee.

There are two types of tickets. $ 250 (10 hours) or $ 30 (1 hour). It will generate 7% GST. Valid for 3 months from the date of purchase. Tickets purchased before CB have a frozen expiration date, so please tell us your name at the reception and continue using it! As for payment mode, Cash, Credit card, NETS are available.

BASIC CLASS If you are not taking this basic class, the way you enter the choreography class is completely different. The reason why you started to feel "Oh! My body moves!" is, because you have built up a solid foundation. Continuation is power. Why don't you create a "dancer body" and at the same time aim to strengthen your core and improve your basal metabolism?

- - - - - - -
Morning Lessons ▶︎ Every Sunday, Monday, Thursday Studio & Zoom!  
BASIC 10:00-11:00 | CHOREO 11:00-12:00 | YOGA 12:00-13:00 | (60min)

Evening Lesson ▶︎ Every Wednesday Studio & Zoom!  
BASIC 18:00-19:00 | CHOREO 19:00-20:00 | YOGA 20:00-21:00 | (60min)
- - - - - - -

CHOREO CLASS  We are instructing NADIA choreographed works with the aim of completing one song in two months. We learn new choreography routines once a week and send you practical videos of the explanations as teaching materials. Even if there are weeks when you couldn't attend the lesson, you are still able to study with video so that all the students will be able to dance one song by the end of the two-month term.
- - - - - - -
Morning Lessons ▶︎ Every Sunday, Monday, Thursday Studio & Zoom!  
BASIC 10:00-11:00 | CHOREO 11:00-12:00 | YOGA 12:00-13:00 | (60min)

Evening Lesson ▶︎ Every Wednesday Studio & Zoom!  
BASIC 18:00-19:00 | CHOREO 19:00-20:00 | YOGA 20:00-21:00 | (60min)
- - - - - - -

YOGA is the Sanskrit word for "connection" and refers to the state where the mind, body and soul are connected. It combines breathing, posture, and meditation to relieve tension in the body and mind, and stabilise and ease the mind.

Yoga poses which calls "Asanas" have the effect of correcting body distortions, improving flexibility and physical fitness, etc., but combining relaxed breathing and meditation enhances concentration and a gentle and stable mental state.

The effects of breathing on the body and mind are so deep. The breathing method, which is also the basis of yoga, increases vitality and concentration by controlling breathing, and connects the mind and body.

It also has the effect that oxygen is sent to each cell and activated from inside the body. By expanding and contracting muscles and deep breathing, the lymph flow and blood circulation are improved, and the internal organs are activated, your body refreshed and comfortable, but it also helps prevent skin aging.

By the end of each lesson, it is impressive that the participants' faces look so refresh and sharp.

- - - - - - -
Morning Lessons ▶︎ Every Sunday, Monday, Thursday Studio & Zoom!  
BASIC 10:00-11:00 | CHOREO 11:00-12:00 | YOGA 12:00-13:00 | (60min)

Evening Lesson ▶︎ Every Wednesday Studio & Zoom!  
BASIC 18:00-19:00 | CHOREO 19:00-20:00 | YOGA 20:00-21:00 | (60min)
- - - - - - -

All class are taught directly by teacher NADIA. 
Inquiry about class, don't hesitate to message her.

- - - - - -

Morning Lessons ▶︎ Every Sunday, Monday, Thursday Studio & Zoom!
| BASIC 10:00-11:00 | CHOREO 11:00-12:00 | YOGA 12:00-13:00 | (60min)

Evening Lesson ▶︎ Every Wednesday Studio & Zoom!
| BASIC 18:00-19:00 | CHOREO 19:00-20:00 | YOGA 20:00-21:00 | (60min)


■ Fee : $150 → 48 classes, you can attend as much as you want!
■ Promotion : $250 for 2 month ($50 worth). 2months package in October & November.
■ Initial fee : Free
■ Trial/Drop-in : We do not open at this moment.
■ Choreography video is not on sales. Provided only for lesson participants.

【OFFLINE LESSON @ Raffles Town Club】
■ Fee:$250 / 60min x 10 classes (valid for 3 months from the date of purchase)
■ Initial fee:$50 (Only firt time) → However, online lesson students are exempt from the admission fee
■ Trial/Drop-in : $30 /60min
■ Capacity:8 students only (Reservation required)
■ How to reserve? : Message to Nadia. You can reserve any day and time slot by telling her. We will close the application as soon as we reach the capacity of 8 people, and after that we will wait for cancellation
■ Venue:Raffles Town Club, Harmony Studio
■ Address : 1 Plymouth Avenue, Singapore 297753

- - - - - -
【How to apply?】
- Send an message to Nadia via SNS
Facebook / Instagram / Messenger / LINE / WhatsApp / Gmail / 

【What to provide?】
- Your full name
- Email address (use for sending songs)

【Which App to download?】

- Zoom (used in lessons)
- WhatsApp (used for video distribution)

【How to settle payment?】

- Bank transfer / PayNow (details will be sent you after you applied)
- Peatix

【Lesson Schedule】
Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. See the calendar on attached. Pink, blue and purple slots are eligible. On other days, it is a private lesson slots to be used (online/offline is possible).

【Private Lesson】
Nadia will teach you anything at anytime on your request. She accepts one-on-one private lessons or semi-private instruction. It is also possible to teach the choreography brush-up that you are currently learning in the online lesson, as well as some advise about stage work for your upcoming performance! Contact her if you are interested. (There are some special discount for online lessons students too. Please ask!)

Please prepare them, as well as hipscarf, yoga mat, towel, and water bottle. You will be pretty sweaty! :)

If you have any questions, please contact Nadia!

DANCE is the hidden language of the soul.