Friday, August 5, 2022

【NADIA ONLINE - AUG & SEP 2022】★ We dance "Shik Shak Shok" !!


Hello everyone!

I'm Nadia, a Japanese belly dancer based in Singapore.
This time in Japan is hotter than Singapore, isn't it? Are you surviving from summer heat?

In order to survive this hot summer, I have selected a song that everyone can dance with great fun!

In August, we will dance "Shik Shak Shok"!

Isn't it a song that everyone has heard and danced when belly dancing? It's a song that is too famous.

"Shik Shak Stok" is an Egyptian Baladi, but this time we will dance with a super cool Turkish style sound source played by Turkish artist Yasar Akpence. This is a song full of shimmy! :)

Let's continue to make a danceable body! !!

To all NADIA ONLINE participants in August!

Entry to "TOKYO HAFLA vol.2" scheduled to be held in December will start soon, so we will send you the details by email.

At the same time, I would like to find someone who will co-star with Nadia at the International Competition Gala Show scheduled to be held in Malaysia in December. I plan to dance "MASHAAL". Further details will be sent to NADIA ONLINE members in August by separate email. Why don't you join Nadia from Japan or Singapore to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia?

Come with me! ;)

A special performance lesson is scheduled to start in September. Please look forward to it.

In mid-August, prepare your mind and body with yoga!

Why don't you take a break from choreography for two days on 8/14 (sun) & 8/15 (mon) and prepare your mind and body with yoga? Nadia will be staying in Borneo for about a week, so she'll be delivering yoga from a nice Asian hotel room or a balcony overlooking the ocean.

With bright sun, sunsultation exercises (teaching the correct form from scratch), deep breathing and meditation to listen to the inside of the body, with a moderately tiring core-strengthening workout. Get rid of the disturbances in your autonomic nerves and get a clean, transparent sensation.

Goodbye, summer heat fatigue!

Non-NADIA ONLINE members can also participate in a single event. $ 35 / ¥ 3500 (90min)

For those who are new to yoga and those who haven't exercised for a long time
All ages are welcome.

Only for women.

Even if you are returning home during the summer vacation, please join us from your travel destination or your parents' home with your family, neighbors' aunts, nieces, and grandchildren. From Borneo, connect with all over the world and do yoga! let's do it. Online is amazing! !!

It will be taught in both Japanese and English ♪
Try to connect with Nadia as if you were in Borneo with her lol

(NADIA ONLINE August members are free to attend this class)

"NADIA ONLINE on ZOOM", which can be taken from afar, is a popular lesson that has been taken by more than 100 people in the last two years, starting with Covid pandemic. Achieves exceptionally low prices unique to online. We offer $ 150 (¥ 12,500) / 1 month or package $ 250 (¥ 20,000) / 2 months. It takes 2 months (8 weeks) to learn the choreography of one song, and you can take as many lessons as you like, 4 days a week, 3 classes a day, and 40 classes a month. You can join as many basic classes, choreography classes, yoga classes as you like without reservation. Also, if you miss a lesson, you will receive a tutorial video once a week so that you can learn the choreography.

We will be able to hold regular events such as online hafla and offline hafla "TOKYO HAFLA", participate in overseas festivals, and make a stage debut with Nadia at overseas festivals so that we can share what we have learned. .. In 2022, it has been decided to perform at a gala show at an international competition in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Nadia has been invited as a judge), and NADIA ONLINE members are planning to perform in a group dance. The project will start in September. In 2023, we will expand the field of activity to other overseas festivals.

■ Application & Inquiries: To NADIA
- Please let her know via email, Instagram, WhatsApp, LINE, etc.

■ Payment: To NADIA (Bank transfer, PEATIX, PAYNOW possible)

[Lesson fee]

■ Monthly fee: $ 150 (1 month) / $ 250 (2 months)
■ Ticket: $ 250 → 60min class x 10 sessions (valid for 3 months)
■ Dates: Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. Check the lesson schedule on the web
■ Contents: Basics of belly dance, choreography, yoga

If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact Nadia.

【NADIA ONLINE - AUG & SEP 2022】★ "Shik Shak Shok" を踊るよ♪








8月は "Shik Shak Shok"を踊りますよー!


"Shik Shak Stok"は、エジプトのバラディですが、最近リリースされたトルコのYasar Akpence (ヤセール・アクペンチェ) の超絶かっこいい、ターキッシュスタイルの音源で踊っていきます。シミー満載の踊りごたえ十分な1曲です!:)


8月 NADIA ONLINE参加者の皆様へ!

12月に開催予定の "TOKYO HAFLA vol.2"へのエントリーをまもなく開始いたしますので、詳細を別途メールにてお送りいたします。

同時に、12月にマレーシアで開催予定の国際コンペ・ガラショーに、ナディアと共演してくださる方も募集したいと思います。MASHAALを踊る予定。こちらの詳細も、今月のNADIA ONLINEメンバーへ別途ご連絡をさせていただきます。日本からも、シンガポールからも、マレーシアはクアラルンプールへ。是非是非、ご一緒しませんか?




8/14(sun) & 8/15(mon) の二日間は、振付をいったんお休みして、ヨガで心身を整えてみませんか?ナディアは、1週間ほどボルネオに滞在予定なので、アジアらしい素敵なホテルの一室 or 海の見えるバルコニーから、ヨガを配信しようと思います。



NADIA ONLINEメンバー以外の方も、単発でご参加いただけます。
$35 / ¥3500 (90min)



お盆休みで帰省中の方も、バケーション中の方も、ぜひ旅先やご実家から、ご家族や、近所のおばさまや、姪っ子ちゃんや、お孫さんたちと♪ ご一緒に参加してみてくださいね。ボルネオ島から、世界各地と繋がってヨガ!しましょ。オンラインってすごい!!


(NADIA ONLINE 8月メンバーはご参加無料です) 

遠方からも受講できる「NADIA ONLINE on ZOOM」は、コロナ禍にスタートし、この2年でなんと100名以上の方に受講いただいている人気レッスンです。オンラインならではの、破格の低価格を実現。月額 $150 (¥12,500) / 1ヶ月、または、パッケージ $250 (¥20,000) / 2ヶ月をご用意しています。2ヶ月 (8週間) かけて、1曲振付を学び、レッスンは週に4日、1日3クラス、月40クラスを好きなだけ受講し放題。基礎クラス・振付クラス・ヨガクラス、どのクラスも予約なしでお好きなだけご参加いただけます。また、レッスンを逃しても、振付が学べる様に、週に一度、進研ゼミの様なスタイルで解説動画も届きます。

学んだことを発表しあえるよう、オンラインでのハフラや、オフラインハフラ "TOKYO HAFLA"の定期開催、海外フェスへの参加、海外フェスでのナディアとの共演ステージデビューなども、叶えて行きます。2022年は、12月にマレーシア・クアラルンプールでの国際コンペガラショーへ(ナディアは審査員として招かれています)へ出演が決定しており、NADIA ONLINEメンバーによる群舞での出演を企画中。9月よりプロジェクトが動き出します。2023年はその他、海外フェスへの活躍の場を広げていきます。

■ お申込み & お問合せ:NADIAまで   
-   Eメール・インスタ・WhatsApp・LINE などからご一報ください

■ お支払い:NADIAまで (銀行振込・PEATIX・ PAYNOW可)


■ お月謝制:$150 (1ヶ月) / $250  (2ヶ月) 受講し放題 
■ チケット制:$250 → 60分クラス10回分 (3ヶ月有効)
■ 開催日:月・水・木・日に開催。レッスンスケジュールはウェブでチェック
■ 内容:ベリーダンスの基礎・振付・ヨガ
