Wednesday, April 29, 2020

【NADIA ONLINE LESSON】★ MAY Registration started!

Hello! ★ This is Nadia. 

Singapore's Circuit Breaker has been extended till 1st June. Now, let's find out what we can do for our 'Stay-at-home' life ... especially, you must be seriously concerned with how to get the 'Corona Weight' off from your belly, don't you? :) 

Let me produce something for you.

From May onwards, we will increase the number of lessons by 3 slots per day, 3 days per week, and 39 lessons per month. 

There are 3 classes per day:

BASIC - core & strength (40min) 
CHOREO - sword or umbrella using (40min)
YOGA STRECH - deep stretch & core training (40min) - NEW

"Yoga Stretch" will be newly opened. Please bring yoga mat or bath towel. 

I highly recommend you to take 3 classes all together, BASIC → CHOREO → YOGA STRETCH at total of 2 hours!

I am sure you will feel physical change due to the perfect balance of aerobic and anaerobic exercise benefits.

However, those who have not been exercising for long time, do not push your self too much. You may want to take only the BASIC class or Yoga Stretch class, even once a week, you will feel the effect physically. 

I was honestly think about the price range like twice, but I am happy that everyone who started the online lessons with me from April commented me such a huge complements about the class. Yes, that means a lot to me. So that, with my sincere thanks, I would like to hold the same price in May at the special rate as in April. 

The monthly fee is only $125 (10,000 yen), unlimited pass will be issued for you. Thus, no matter how many times you take the lessons, fee is still $125! :) 

You can participate from anywhere in the world. Anyone can participate regardless of age, nationality or dance experience. The language will be used both English and Japanese bilingually.

Children are welcome to dance with mom. The new yoga stretch class may be accompanied by your husband too! There are no male students in my usual studio lessons, so it is a premier privilege only for online. :)

May our online lessons contribute to your strength to fight with CB, difficult time due to COVID-19.

In May, I'll be even more enthusiastic to provide the lessons, but most importantly, you are 'safe' and 'healthy' at home. Ladies, I look forward to seeing you there!

Meantime, please take care. Stay safe, be well! :)

Lot's of love,


【How to apply】
Simple! Please express your participation by casual message from SNS to Nadia with your convenience via Facebook / Instagram / Messenger / LINE / WhatsApp / Gmail (

【Two things to be advised】
- your full name
- E-mail address (used when sending the sound source)

【Two apps you may need to download】
- Zoom (used in lesson)
- WhatsApp (used when sending videos)

【Payment method】
Payment will be made to a bank account in Singapore or Japan.
Further details will be sent to those who apply.

【May schedule】
The pink and blue and purple slots on the schedule below are eligible. Basically, on Sundays, Mondays, and Thursdays. 3 days per week. Other time slot will be reserved for private lesson.

【Private Lesson】
We accept one-on-one or semi-private instruction at any time on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. The content is request-based. For example, you can review the choreography that you learnt at my previous classes or workshops. I can give you many ideas for the show arrangement, competitions, and formation for your troupe, etc etc. In addition, one-on-one instruction for choreography review and preparation, which is currently being taught online, "Rakkas" (sword) is also possible. Please contact me if you are interested.

The music used in the choreography class will be sent to all students by email. A unique choreography using a bellydance sword, which dances to the famous Turkish pops. If you don't have sword, you can use an umbrella instead. After the class, Nadia will post a weekly choreography video to the WhatsApp group chat so that you can review it. From May, we will learn the latter half of the song (floor work). If you enroll in May and want to learn the choreography of April, you can learn in a private lesson. Please contact Nadia. (Of course it's okay to try only the May part since it is already super excited one!)

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact Nadia!

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


こんにちは!★ ナディアです。


自粛生活ですっかり鈍ってしまったカラダを何とかしたい!そんな声をよく聞くので、ナディア得意の「ヨガストレッチ」クラス (ドS筋トレあり!! w) を新たに開講致します。ヨガマットかバスタオルをご用意ください。




月額125ドル(1万円)で、何度受講いただいてもOKです。(▶︎ 通常料金の半額以下です)








Facebook / Instagram / Messenger / LINE / WhatsApp / Gmail など。メールの方は、 まで。

- フルネーム
- メールアドレス(音源を送る際に使用します)

- Zoom (レッスンで使用)
- WhatsApp (動画を送信する際に使用)






Wednesday, April 1, 2020

★ "SAKURA SAKURA" - Live life in full bloom.

* Followed by English translation



さて。延期となった4月4日の"A Night of Orient Vol.5" !オープニングで踊るはずだった”SAKURA SAKURA”を、この度、映像化致しました。世界の平和と明るい春の訪れを祈って、7人で心を込めて踊りました。この美しい会場はいつもナディアがレッスンを開催しているRaffles Town Clubのロビーです。4階まで吹き抜けになっており、踊っている間、皆の祈りとポジティブなエネルギーが天井を突き抜けて、世界へ発信されていくかのような、とても神聖で、神々しい時間が流れました。

現在、COVID-19の影響で、こちらでの定期レッスンは4月末まで全て休講、建物も閉館しているため、人がいなくて寂しい気持ちになりましたが、私たちのホームであるRaffles Town Clubより、祈りを捧げながら踊ることができ、胸の中に痞えていたモヤモヤが、この日を境に、"COVIDと闘うんだ"という強い信念に変わったように思えます。一緒に踊ってくれたメンバーも同じように感じているのではないでしょうか?




"SAKURA SAKURA" - Live life in full bloom. 

■ Choreography/Direction : NADIA 
■ Videography : David Goh 
■ Movie Design : NOA PRODUCTION 
■ Music : Rin' 
■ Dancers: Machiko / Yuumi / Samia / Kurenai / Yuriko / Eshele / NADIA 






Dear all, 

Hello, this is Nadia.

Due to the influence of COVID-19, it has been induced a mood of self-control among the people around the world, and some dark news are broadcasting everyday. But we must be aware of that it might be a long battle from now on, lets try to find the idea to reduce your stress, try to maintain the strong beliefs that it will be definitely end and we will get our normal life back, be strong and be positive to fight with COVID-19 all together. Please, pay much attention and stay safe. Thank you.

So, now I would like to introduce you one of my best creation piece,  "SAKURA SAKURA", which was supposed to be dancing at the opening of "A Night of Orient Vol.5" on April 4, was postponed. Seven of us danced heartily in hope of world peace and the coming of bright spring. This beautiful venue is the lobby of Raffles Town Club where I teach my lessons regularly. It's a stairwell to the fourth floor, and while dancing, it's a very sacred and godly time as if everyone's prayers and positive energy had penetrated the ceiling and passed on to the world.

Currently, due to the influence of COVID-19, all regular lessons here are closed until the end of April, and the building is closed, so I felt such lonely without people there, but our home, at Raffles Town Club, we could dance while praying, and it seemed that the cobweb that had been burning in my heart changed from this day to a strong conviction that I should fight against COVID. Do the members who danced together feel the same way?

Let me share the video with you all. Even those who wasn't able to see SAKURA (cherry blossoms) this year, feel the strong and beautiful power like the cherry blossoms inside your heart, believe in your own power, and convert it into energy that overcomes this predicament. 

Your feedback about the video, your share, like buttons, and comments will be very encouraging, those meant a lot and special to me. Thank you always for your warm support. 


"SAKURA SAKURA" - Live life in full bloom. 

■ Choreography/Direction : NADIA 
■ Videography : David Goh 
■ Movie Design : NOA PRODUCTION 
■ Music : Rin' 
■ Dancers: Machiko / Yuumi / Samia / Kurenai / Yuriko / Eshele / NADIA 


May the peaceful daily life return to you as soon as possible. And wish you a bright and happy spring with a sincere smile. Let's celebrate the spring again and again when the right timing comes.

