2016年5月20日に金沢のDinning Bar CAMPARIにて開催されたベリーダンスショーで踊った"Balady Laha"です。振付なしの完全即興です。
This is the video taken at the show in Dinning Bar CAMPARI in Kanazawa JAPAN on 20th May 2016. "Balady Laha" performed by NADIA improvisation (no choreography).
NADIA is the Japanese Bellydance Artist (Choreographer / Teacher / Performer) based in Singapore performing for several events like festivals, theatrical shows, private parties, corporate events, and many more. Also teaching at regular lessons in Singapore and workshops in everywhere. Any inquiries, please contact NADIA at suenadia@gamil.com.
《NADIA Bellydance Entertainement》 www.nadiabellydance-sg.com