2015年5月、マレーシアはクチンのLa Danse Studioさんよりお声がけ頂き、「NADIA Bellydance Workshop & Show」を開催して頂きました。動画はショーで踊った"El Baston"です。マレーシア在住のベリーダンス女子たち(←美女率高い)に囲まれてのショーは、アジアならではのギラっとしたポジティブエネルギーに溢れていて、会場が一体になって音楽とダンスを楽しむ空気感が最高に気持ち良かったです。暖かい拍手と歓声、そして至福の時をありがとうございました。
This is the video taken at the show in Kuching Malaysia in 2015 May, 「NADIA Bellydance Workshop & Show」organized by La Danse Studio. The show was completely full of positive energy with beautiful Malaysian bellydancers. That was such an amazing time to perform with their warmest support and applause from beginning to the end. The Assaya Choreography "El Baston" was taught in the workshop in the same weekend. Thank you for the perfect organizing, La Danse Studio! :)
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NADIA is the Japanese Bellydance Artist (Choreographer / Teacher / Performer) based in Singapore performing for several events like festivals, theatrical shows, private parties, corporate events, and many more. Also teaching at regular lessons in Singapore and workshops in everywhere. Any inquiries, please contact NADIA at suenadia@gamil.com.
《NADIA Bellydance Entertainement》 www.nadiabellydance-sg.com