2016年12月2日にマレーシアのクアラルンプールにて開催された"Malaysia Oriental Dance Arts Festival"に、NADIAはコンペティション審査員兼、ゲストパフォーマーとしてご招待頂き、ガラショーではMario Kirlisの"Tamil"を踊りました。ちょうど妊娠8ヶ月に入ったところで大きなお腹を抱えながらの出演でしたが、客席からの暖かい拍手と歓声に包まれながら、とても幸せな気持ちで踊らせて頂くことができました。
This is the video taken at the gala show at "Malaysia Oriental Dance Arts Festival 2016" in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia on 2nd December 2016. NADIA was invited as Competition Judge & Guest Performer for this event. She was performing with huge tummy on her 8th months pregnancy, however she enjoyed the show a lot with happy feeling while receiving the warmest applause from Malaysian audience. Thank you so much!! :)
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NADIA is the Japanese Bellydance Artist (Choreographer / Teacher / Performer) based in Singapore performing for several events like festivals, theatrical shows, private parties, corporate events, and many more. Also teaching at regular lessons in Singapore and workshops in everywhere. Any inquiries, please contact NADIA at suenadia@gamil.com.
《NADIA Bellydance Entertainement》 www.nadiabellydance-sg.com